Tuesday, August 25, 2020

LI : Poem : Live and Let Live

 LI : Poem 

Champaguda Detti Jantuvunainanu

Champavalayau Loka Satru Gunamu

Telugondigotta telemicheyura

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema !!

చంపగూడ దెట్టి జంతువునైనను ,

చంపవలయుఁ లోక శత్రుగుణము . 

తెలుగొండి గొట్ట తేలేమిచేయరా ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning: Every Creature created by God has the right to live. hence we should not kill any creature. However, if a man has innate animosity he/ others should strive to erase/eliminate that negative quality in him but not him. For example, if you find a scorpion that has poison in its tail the tail has to be crushed so that it can't sting and harm anyone. Similarly, the negative qualities of people have to be abolished through kind words and actions rather than killing them.

Story:    The poet of these 100 poems which is considered to be the life manual was not possessing positive qualities till his sister-in-law had advised him and transformed him to be a good human being instead of punishing him. let's go to the details. During his prime youth, he moved astray and was a vagabond who never cared for human relations and money. He used to steal jewels and money from his home and spend it on the prostitutes. Once his lover, Viswadha demanded the diamond nosering of his sister-in-law as a gift, and without any hesitation, Vemana promised her to fulfill her wish. He went to his Sister-in-law and forced her to give him her nose ring. Though all his family members and relatives discarded him for his bad habits, his sister-in-law always considered him to be her son. On this occasion when he demanded her nose ring instead of denying she agreed on one condition that he has to take her nose pin from behind while she bent naked. Without a second thought, he agreed to this and when he found his sister-in-law in such a position he understood the reality of life that the worldly pleasures are too temporary and the human body is nothing but filled with faecus and urine and thus renunciate every worldly possession and turned naked for his life and became a sage by turning spiritual.

This story is the best example of dispelling the ignorance or negative qualities of a person, not the person.

The credit for changing a vagabond to a great saint goes to Vemana's sister-in-law.

L: Poem : Forgiveness is a virtue !

 L2 : Poem 

Champa Dagina satruvu Tanacheta

Jikkineni Keedu seyaradu

Posaga melujesi pommanute chalu,

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

చంప దగిన శత్రువు తన చేతఁ

జిక్కినను ,కీడు సేయరాదు . 

పొసగ మేలు చేసి పొమ్మంటే చాలురా ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ. 

Meaning : The greatness of a human being lies in forgiving the enemy who encounters him accidentally. Even if the situation is favoring you to harm the enemy you shouldn't harm him. Instead, help him to realize his mistake by introspecting which is considered to be a true punishment.

Story : Pandavas after being defeated in Gambling (Game of Dice) were sent on exile for 12 years to dwell in forest and one year in disguise .Pandavas along with Draupadi reached Daitavana and decided to stay there. Draupadi was quite upset with the whole situation and started blaming Dharamaraja for his hyper sensitivity towards others along with staunch honesty. Yet ,the unmoved Dharmaraja continued to be kind and honest as he believed in "Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha".meanwhile Duryodhana ,with his Sadistic attitude wanted to take pleasure in watching Pandavas suffer ,hence came to Dwaitavana along with his soldiers. Simultaneously few Gandharvas too entered the Dwaitavana and suddenly indulged into an argument with Kauravas which led to serious consequences of capturing the Kauravas. The helpless Kaurava Soldiers ran to Dharmaraja for rescue. Though Bhima and Draupadi were dead against helping and rescuing Durydhana:  Dharmaraja felt it is dharma to help people in need.   So he fought with Gandharvas and saved Duryodhana though Duryodhana harmed him.

XLIX : Poem : Even the weakest animal is strong in its Habitat !!

 XLIX : Poem :

Nillalona Mosali Nigidi Yenugu Pattu

Bayalu Kukka Cheta Bhanga Padunu

Stana Balimi Kani Tana Balimi Kadaya

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

నీళ్లలోని మొసలి నిగిడి ఏనుగు పట్టు ,

బయలు కుక్క చేత భంగ పడును . 

స్దాన బలిమి కానీ తన బలిమి కాదయా ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా . 

Meaning : Every creation in this universe is powerful in its own habitat/home rather than outside. Which is called "Stana Balimi" like the Crocodile which was able to attack and kill the Elephant in waters but gets chased and defeated by the dog outside the water. Hence we need to realize that its the strength of the home pitch and the God given gift and not to develop pride ever !

Story : Trikutachala was known for dense forest and it was believed that devas ,gandharvas and Kinneras used to stroll around to enjoy the scenic beauty of this place.Along with many other animals there were herd of elephants who used to move around for their food. Once an elephant had lost its way and moved out alone and started searching for water as he was very thirsty.On seeing a stream ,the elephant entered the water body to quench his thirst.Suddenly the Crocodile who lives in the stream attacked the elephant  and started biting him with his sharp teeth ,Gajendra the elephant had understood that Crocodile is powerful in his habitat ,the water and though he is huge and larger in size than crocodile since he is out of his habitat he is not so powerful,hence prayed to Lord Vishnu to save him.

Instead of wasting his time in feeling sad about his present situation despite his huge body, he humbly prayed to Lord Vishnu for his rescue .Thus was saved.

XLVIII : Poem; Acceptance makes one great !!

 XLVIII Poem :

Jaati Veru leka Janma Kramambuna

Nemmadini Nabhavuni Nilipeneni

Nakhilajanulalona Natadu Ghanudaya

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

జాతి వేరు లేక జన్మ క్రమంబునఁ 

నెమ్మదిని నాభావుని నిలిపెనేని ,

నఖిలజగంబులోన  నాతడు ఘనుడయా ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning : A human being is considered great only when he has the quality of accepting every one irrespective of caste,creed,colour ,gender and wealth and position.Most of the people forget the basic fact that all human beings are the creation of God and God is within us! Without understanding this we discriminate haves and have nots. However in order to make the Society pure people have to forget differences in religion and caste .Accept the mankind.

Story : Adi Shankaracharya became jagatguru because of one incident .Shankaracharya was an intelligent boy and had an exemplary grasping power from his childhood. One day when he was seeking alms as a part of his daily routine,he approached  from  an old poor lady ,who gave him a small gooseberry that she kept for herself  ,knowing this fact he composed Kanakadharastotram which gave heaps of golden goose berries to the old lady who felt very happy.Though his mother never wanted him to embrace Sansyasi ashram' he requested her and promised that he would perform her funeral rituals even against the sanyasahram principles and sought permission to become a sage.

One day when he was walking along with his disciples he found a low caste person with his four dogs and asked him to move out of his way .But the answer that was given by that person made him realize the value of life that God dwells in the heart of every creation and non one should be looked down upon.Having realized this he bowed his head before that person and apologized for his ignorance of not accepting him as his equal.

What has actually happened ?! 

Shankaracharya : (On seeing the chandala with 4 dogs )Please give way I have to go forward.I 'm not supposed to touch you.

Chandala : Are you asking the body to move or the soul within me (God) to move ?

Then shankaracharya understood that every creation is equal and none can discriminate between any two persons .

This realization made him become Jagadguru !!

XLVII: Poem : Be detached don't get tempted !!

 XLVII : Poem 

Pilli Yeluka Battu Priyamuna Nundanga

Nadiye Kodi petta Nanugaminchu

Mamata Viduva kunna Manuna Mohamu?

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema!!

Telugu Version :

పిల్లి ఎలుక బట్టు ప్రియమున నుండఁగ ,

నదియె కోడి పెట్ట ననుగమించు . 

మమత విడువ కున్న మానునా మోహమ్ము ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినుర వేమా 

Meaning : The Human race should get detached from temptations and of greed otherwise it pushes them  into problems and pressure of craving for more! Anyone under such urge would indulge into harming people and the mother nature as well.The human being who is greedy is compared to a cat who chases and kills its prey the-rat and still yearns to kill the hen to fill his stomach. The destruction continues due to its greed. Similarly a greedy person never stops longing for materialistic possessions, his quest goes on to satisfy his greed which is harmful to the Society.

Story : Ashoka the great was a Mauryan King who rule between 268 B.C -232 B.C was  very popular for his administrative skills and magnanimity.He ruled almost 90 % of India.He was known for his bravery along with his greed to become supremo .In this lust for power and throne he waged wars against every one and became root cause for the death of many innocent soldiers. The more he conquered the more he craved till  "Kalinga Yudha".He conquered the Kalinga region as well but thousands of soldiers died.At the end of the war the realization came upon him and he renunciated the worldly possessions and started preaching Budhism to the world .Despite all the welfare activities he implemented in his kingdom :this quest for throne and expansion made him behave ruthlessly with his subordinate kings.However the Kalinga War was an eye opener to him towards humanity and tius turned humane there after.

This story tells us that people should contented with their possessions otherwise their greed may harm others.

XLVI : Poem : Kindness is contagious !

 XLVI : Poem :

Dataina vadu Tane munnichedu

Gani va dosagune Kaniyaina..

Jalamu Dappi tirchu mala metlu teerchunu

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

దాతైనా వాడు తానే  మున్నిచెడు 

గాని  వాడొసంగునే ,కాణియైన ?

జలము దప్పి దీర్చు ,మలమెట్లు తీర్చును?

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా !

Meaning :  A philonthropist is useful to this society than a stingy person because a Philanthropist will help instantaneously where as a stingy person hesitates and dislikes to help others. Philanthropist is compared to water  that quenches the thirst and a stingy person is compared to body waste which is not useful to quench the thirst of humans.

Story : Mother Teressa though born in a poor family helped many people without the homes.All the destitutes who were disowned by their family members .In 1950, Teresa founded the Missionary of charity and helped people suffering from HIV/AIDS/Leprosy .She also started Soup Kitchen which used to feed thousands of people free of cost.

Once ,she faced a crisis where her kitchen became empty and she was upset as she need to feed people next day morning.Miraculously some one sent her few bags of rice and food .This story tells that if we work with conviction to help others the whole Universe conspires to help us.!1

XLV : Poem : Don't be impulsive !

 XLV :Poem

Ee Chevikorikina Nollaru

Vachavulaku Vindu manna Vakyambulache

Poochanu Badachula Nerichina

Aachandmu laye jagamu Lanniyu Vema !!

Telugu Version :

ఈ చెవికొరికిన నోళ్ళారు ,

వాచవులకు ,విందు మన్న వాక్యంబులచే ,

పూచను బడచుల నేరిచిన ,

ఆచందములాయె జగము లన్నియు వేమా. 

Meaning : Usually people listen to the gossips with interest and some fall prey to them and spoil the relationships with their own people. But a wise person will analyze the difference between opinion(Gossip) and the fact before he takes a decision. This wise act of analyzing is compared to the cautious  decision taken by wise young ladies who would be away from the company of young men and analyze their qualities and intentions before speaking to them. One should be wise enough to analyze the truth.

Story : Satyabhama the most loved wife of Lord Krishna was known for her pride and impulse.She was quite possessive about Lord Krishna and never accepted any others wives of Krishna .Once Narada who is known as kalahabhoja visited her palace and secretly shared a ritual that would make Lord Krishna surrender to her.Satyabhama impulsively agreed to perform that rite in which she has to weigh Lord Krishna with equivalent materialistic objects. Without realizing the fact that Krishna can be heavier than all the materialistic possessions of the world and one can win him only through devotion & nothing else.

She made all arrangements for the pooja and finally Krishna was made to sit on one side of the balance and all her possessions were dumped on the other side of the balance but in vain.She was aghast and finally Narada himself tells her to call Rukmini as she can weigh Krishna with her Purity of heart and staunch devotion.This story tells us that we need to analyze all the words spoken by others before plunging into action impulsively.