Sunday, August 9, 2020

XXXIX : Poem : Humility attracts respect !!

 XXXIX : Poem

Mrigamudammu chuda meeda nallaganundu

Paridha millu dani parimalambu

Guruvu laina Vari gunamu Leelaguraa

Viswa dha Abhirama Vinura Vema !

Meaning : The true Gurus look very humble and simple and never exhibit their knowledge and maintain a low profile yet shines bright inwardly and spreads knowledge to all those who interact with them like Deer Musk though looks dark and ugly from outside its famous for its scent or luring perfume.Its perfume is spread all over .

Story : Vasistha and Viswamitra both are Rishis and gurus but Vasistha was respected and revered more than Viswamitra due to Vasista's humility and simplicity despite becoming Rajarshi.Viswamitra became Maharshi and struggled to become Rajarshi where as Vasistha with his concentration and Shradha embedded with simplicity became Rajarshi.There is a story connected to show Viswamitra's pride and Vasistha's humility and soft nature.

The Ramayana  presents a similar account about Kamadhenu, however, here the sage is Vashista and the king is Viswamitra Once, king Vishwamitra with his army arrived at the hermitage of sage Vashista. The sage welcomed him and offered a huge banquet – to the army – that was produced by Sabala – as Kamadhenu is called in the text. The astonished king asked the sage to part with Sabala and instead offered thousand of ordinary cows, elephants, horses and jewels in return. However, the sage refused to part with Sabala, who was necessary for the performance of the sacred rituals and charity by the sage. Agitated, Vishwamitra seized Sabala by force, but she returned to her master, fighting the king's men. She hinted Vashista to order her to destroy the king's army and the sage followed her wish. Intensely, she produced Pallava warriors, who were slain by Vishwamita's army. So she produced warriors of Shaka -Yavana lineage. From her mouth, emerged the Kambhojas from her udder Barvaas from her hind Yavanas and Shakas, and from pores on her skin, haritas ,Kiratas  and other foreign warriors. Together, the army of Sabala killed Vishwamitra's army and all his sons. This event led to a great rivalry between Vashista and Vishwamitra, who renounced his kingdom and became a great sage to defeat Vashista.Vashista never wanted this destruction to occur and was ready to renounce Kamadhenu for peace but Kamadhenu refused to go with Viswamitra.

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