Tuesday, August 25, 2020

LI : Poem : Live and Let Live

 LI : Poem 

Champaguda Detti Jantuvunainanu

Champavalayau Loka Satru Gunamu

Telugondigotta telemicheyura

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema !!

చంపగూడ దెట్టి జంతువునైనను ,

చంపవలయుఁ లోక శత్రుగుణము . 

తెలుగొండి గొట్ట తేలేమిచేయరా ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning: Every Creature created by God has the right to live. hence we should not kill any creature. However, if a man has innate animosity he/ others should strive to erase/eliminate that negative quality in him but not him. For example, if you find a scorpion that has poison in its tail the tail has to be crushed so that it can't sting and harm anyone. Similarly, the negative qualities of people have to be abolished through kind words and actions rather than killing them.

Story:    The poet of these 100 poems which is considered to be the life manual was not possessing positive qualities till his sister-in-law had advised him and transformed him to be a good human being instead of punishing him. let's go to the details. During his prime youth, he moved astray and was a vagabond who never cared for human relations and money. He used to steal jewels and money from his home and spend it on the prostitutes. Once his lover, Viswadha demanded the diamond nosering of his sister-in-law as a gift, and without any hesitation, Vemana promised her to fulfill her wish. He went to his Sister-in-law and forced her to give him her nose ring. Though all his family members and relatives discarded him for his bad habits, his sister-in-law always considered him to be her son. On this occasion when he demanded her nose ring instead of denying she agreed on one condition that he has to take her nose pin from behind while she bent naked. Without a second thought, he agreed to this and when he found his sister-in-law in such a position he understood the reality of life that the worldly pleasures are too temporary and the human body is nothing but filled with faecus and urine and thus renunciate every worldly possession and turned naked for his life and became a sage by turning spiritual.

This story is the best example of dispelling the ignorance or negative qualities of a person, not the person.

The credit for changing a vagabond to a great saint goes to Vemana's sister-in-law.

L: Poem : Forgiveness is a virtue !

 L2 : Poem 

Champa Dagina satruvu Tanacheta

Jikkineni Keedu seyaradu

Posaga melujesi pommanute chalu,

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

చంప దగిన శత్రువు తన చేతఁ

జిక్కినను ,కీడు సేయరాదు . 

పొసగ మేలు చేసి పొమ్మంటే చాలురా ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ. 

Meaning : The greatness of a human being lies in forgiving the enemy who encounters him accidentally. Even if the situation is favoring you to harm the enemy you shouldn't harm him. Instead, help him to realize his mistake by introspecting which is considered to be a true punishment.

Story : Pandavas after being defeated in Gambling (Game of Dice) were sent on exile for 12 years to dwell in forest and one year in disguise .Pandavas along with Draupadi reached Daitavana and decided to stay there. Draupadi was quite upset with the whole situation and started blaming Dharamaraja for his hyper sensitivity towards others along with staunch honesty. Yet ,the unmoved Dharmaraja continued to be kind and honest as he believed in "Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha".meanwhile Duryodhana ,with his Sadistic attitude wanted to take pleasure in watching Pandavas suffer ,hence came to Dwaitavana along with his soldiers. Simultaneously few Gandharvas too entered the Dwaitavana and suddenly indulged into an argument with Kauravas which led to serious consequences of capturing the Kauravas. The helpless Kaurava Soldiers ran to Dharmaraja for rescue. Though Bhima and Draupadi were dead against helping and rescuing Durydhana:  Dharmaraja felt it is dharma to help people in need.   So he fought with Gandharvas and saved Duryodhana though Duryodhana harmed him.

XLIX : Poem : Even the weakest animal is strong in its Habitat !!

 XLIX : Poem :

Nillalona Mosali Nigidi Yenugu Pattu

Bayalu Kukka Cheta Bhanga Padunu

Stana Balimi Kani Tana Balimi Kadaya

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

నీళ్లలోని మొసలి నిగిడి ఏనుగు పట్టు ,

బయలు కుక్క చేత భంగ పడును . 

స్దాన బలిమి కానీ తన బలిమి కాదయా ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా . 

Meaning : Every creation in this universe is powerful in its own habitat/home rather than outside. Which is called "Stana Balimi" like the Crocodile which was able to attack and kill the Elephant in waters but gets chased and defeated by the dog outside the water. Hence we need to realize that its the strength of the home pitch and the God given gift and not to develop pride ever !

Story : Trikutachala was known for dense forest and it was believed that devas ,gandharvas and Kinneras used to stroll around to enjoy the scenic beauty of this place.Along with many other animals there were herd of elephants who used to move around for their food. Once an elephant had lost its way and moved out alone and started searching for water as he was very thirsty.On seeing a stream ,the elephant entered the water body to quench his thirst.Suddenly the Crocodile who lives in the stream attacked the elephant  and started biting him with his sharp teeth ,Gajendra the elephant had understood that Crocodile is powerful in his habitat ,the water and though he is huge and larger in size than crocodile since he is out of his habitat he is not so powerful,hence prayed to Lord Vishnu to save him.

Instead of wasting his time in feeling sad about his present situation despite his huge body, he humbly prayed to Lord Vishnu for his rescue .Thus was saved.

XLVIII : Poem; Acceptance makes one great !!

 XLVIII Poem :

Jaati Veru leka Janma Kramambuna

Nemmadini Nabhavuni Nilipeneni

Nakhilajanulalona Natadu Ghanudaya

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

జాతి వేరు లేక జన్మ క్రమంబునఁ 

నెమ్మదిని నాభావుని నిలిపెనేని ,

నఖిలజగంబులోన  నాతడు ఘనుడయా ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning : A human being is considered great only when he has the quality of accepting every one irrespective of caste,creed,colour ,gender and wealth and position.Most of the people forget the basic fact that all human beings are the creation of God and God is within us! Without understanding this we discriminate haves and have nots. However in order to make the Society pure people have to forget differences in religion and caste .Accept the mankind.

Story : Adi Shankaracharya became jagatguru because of one incident .Shankaracharya was an intelligent boy and had an exemplary grasping power from his childhood. One day when he was seeking alms as a part of his daily routine,he approached  from  an old poor lady ,who gave him a small gooseberry that she kept for herself  ,knowing this fact he composed Kanakadharastotram which gave heaps of golden goose berries to the old lady who felt very happy.Though his mother never wanted him to embrace Sansyasi ashram' he requested her and promised that he would perform her funeral rituals even against the sanyasahram principles and sought permission to become a sage.

One day when he was walking along with his disciples he found a low caste person with his four dogs and asked him to move out of his way .But the answer that was given by that person made him realize the value of life that God dwells in the heart of every creation and non one should be looked down upon.Having realized this he bowed his head before that person and apologized for his ignorance of not accepting him as his equal.

What has actually happened ?! 

Shankaracharya : (On seeing the chandala with 4 dogs )Please give way I have to go forward.I 'm not supposed to touch you.

Chandala : Are you asking the body to move or the soul within me (God) to move ?

Then shankaracharya understood that every creation is equal and none can discriminate between any two persons .

This realization made him become Jagadguru !!

XLVII: Poem : Be detached don't get tempted !!

 XLVII : Poem 

Pilli Yeluka Battu Priyamuna Nundanga

Nadiye Kodi petta Nanugaminchu

Mamata Viduva kunna Manuna Mohamu?

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema!!

Telugu Version :

పిల్లి ఎలుక బట్టు ప్రియమున నుండఁగ ,

నదియె కోడి పెట్ట ననుగమించు . 

మమత విడువ కున్న మానునా మోహమ్ము ,

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినుర వేమా 

Meaning : The Human race should get detached from temptations and of greed otherwise it pushes them  into problems and pressure of craving for more! Anyone under such urge would indulge into harming people and the mother nature as well.The human being who is greedy is compared to a cat who chases and kills its prey the-rat and still yearns to kill the hen to fill his stomach. The destruction continues due to its greed. Similarly a greedy person never stops longing for materialistic possessions, his quest goes on to satisfy his greed which is harmful to the Society.

Story : Ashoka the great was a Mauryan King who rule between 268 B.C -232 B.C was  very popular for his administrative skills and magnanimity.He ruled almost 90 % of India.He was known for his bravery along with his greed to become supremo .In this lust for power and throne he waged wars against every one and became root cause for the death of many innocent soldiers. The more he conquered the more he craved till  "Kalinga Yudha".He conquered the Kalinga region as well but thousands of soldiers died.At the end of the war the realization came upon him and he renunciated the worldly possessions and started preaching Budhism to the world .Despite all the welfare activities he implemented in his kingdom :this quest for throne and expansion made him behave ruthlessly with his subordinate kings.However the Kalinga War was an eye opener to him towards humanity and tius turned humane there after.

This story tells us that people should contented with their possessions otherwise their greed may harm others.

XLVI : Poem : Kindness is contagious !

 XLVI : Poem :

Dataina vadu Tane munnichedu

Gani va dosagune Kaniyaina..

Jalamu Dappi tirchu mala metlu teerchunu

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

దాతైనా వాడు తానే  మున్నిచెడు 

గాని  వాడొసంగునే ,కాణియైన ?

జలము దప్పి దీర్చు ,మలమెట్లు తీర్చును?

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా !

Meaning :  A philonthropist is useful to this society than a stingy person because a Philanthropist will help instantaneously where as a stingy person hesitates and dislikes to help others. Philanthropist is compared to water  that quenches the thirst and a stingy person is compared to body waste which is not useful to quench the thirst of humans.

Story : Mother Teressa though born in a poor family helped many people without the homes.All the destitutes who were disowned by their family members .In 1950, Teresa founded the Missionary of charity and helped people suffering from HIV/AIDS/Leprosy .She also started Soup Kitchen which used to feed thousands of people free of cost.

Once ,she faced a crisis where her kitchen became empty and she was upset as she need to feed people next day morning.Miraculously some one sent her few bags of rice and food .This story tells that if we work with conviction to help others the whole Universe conspires to help us.!1

XLV : Poem : Don't be impulsive !

 XLV :Poem

Ee Chevikorikina Nollaru

Vachavulaku Vindu manna Vakyambulache

Poochanu Badachula Nerichina

Aachandmu laye jagamu Lanniyu Vema !!

Telugu Version :

ఈ చెవికొరికిన నోళ్ళారు ,

వాచవులకు ,విందు మన్న వాక్యంబులచే ,

పూచను బడచుల నేరిచిన ,

ఆచందములాయె జగము లన్నియు వేమా. 

Meaning : Usually people listen to the gossips with interest and some fall prey to them and spoil the relationships with their own people. But a wise person will analyze the difference between opinion(Gossip) and the fact before he takes a decision. This wise act of analyzing is compared to the cautious  decision taken by wise young ladies who would be away from the company of young men and analyze their qualities and intentions before speaking to them. One should be wise enough to analyze the truth.

Story : Satyabhama the most loved wife of Lord Krishna was known for her pride and impulse.She was quite possessive about Lord Krishna and never accepted any others wives of Krishna .Once Narada who is known as kalahabhoja visited her palace and secretly shared a ritual that would make Lord Krishna surrender to her.Satyabhama impulsively agreed to perform that rite in which she has to weigh Lord Krishna with equivalent materialistic objects. Without realizing the fact that Krishna can be heavier than all the materialistic possessions of the world and one can win him only through devotion & nothing else.

She made all arrangements for the pooja and finally Krishna was made to sit on one side of the balance and all her possessions were dumped on the other side of the balance but in vain.She was aghast and finally Narada himself tells her to call Rukmini as she can weigh Krishna with her Purity of heart and staunch devotion.This story tells us that we need to analyze all the words spoken by others before plunging into action impulsively.

Monday, August 24, 2020

XLIV : Poem : Value the life not the wordly possessions !!

 XLIV POem :

Dhanamu Kuda betti Dharmamu Cheyaka

Yura kundru Papu Looha leka

Dhanamu Venta Raadu Dharmamu Seyudi

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version : 

ధనము కూడబెట్టి దానము చేయక 

యూర కుండ్రు పాపు లూహ లేక 

ధనము వెంట రాదు ధర్మము సేయుడి 

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning : Honey bees strive hard to collect honey from various flowers without understanding that the honey will be enjoyed and relished by some walker by! Similarly a stingy person puts in all his efforts to earn and save the money without spending on the charity ,And that money may be misused without his knowledge. Hence one has to spend money for charity .

Story : Prahlada the famous Vishnu Bhakta once went around world to learn more lessons of life.In this process he went to sahya mountain on the banks of the river Kaveri  and met Ajagara Mahamuni" who was sleeping on the sands of Kaveri.Prahlada bowed to him and requested him to teach him the lessons of life.Then Ajagaramuni said this way .

usually human beings run behind the materialistic possession leaving the charity and philanthropic deeds without realizing the fact that these are all short lived and leads to troubles rather than joy.So people should be wise in controlling the greed anger and fear.These negative qualities multiply and makes one life miserable.A true hermit should renunciate all the worldly pleasures.Hence Raja conquer your mind so that you will become very strong emotionally and spiritually !!As King you need to spend on charity .It is the duty of the king to take care of the  welfare of his subjects.ON listening to these words Prahlada continued his charity.

XLIII Poem : Pay heed to good words !!

 XLIII :Poem

Tanadu Bagu Gori Dharmambu Jeppina

Dittuchundu Nadhamudu Etta eduta

Gaddi Veya Botla Goddu Kommadinchu

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :

తనదు బాగు గోరి ధర్మము జెప్పిన 

దిట్టుచుండు డధముడు ఎట్ట యెదుట . 

గడ్డి వేయ బోట్ల ,గొడ్డు కొమ్మాడించు . 

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : A wretched person curses and scolds a person who advises him for his betterment. He is compared to a Bull who attacks the person who comes to feed him. The nature of a deceitful and crooked person will forever be negative that even if  a wise person tries to correct him through his advice he never accepts instead shews him away with his curses.

Story : Kichaka the brother-in-law of Virata and brother of Sudheshna.He was a very powerful warrior who stood by the side of Virata during war and saved Mastya Kingdom.During "Agyatavasa",Pandavas had decided to take shelter in Mastya Kingdom and work in the court of Virata.Dharamaraja joined as an advisor to the king,Bhima as a cook,Arjuna as the dance teacher,Nakula and sahadeva as Jockies.Draupadi became the Sirandhri : The one who is an expert in decorating people wit flowers.

Once Keechaka happened to see Draupati in His sister's palace and fell head over heels to the beauty of draupati and wanted to marry her. Despite many warnings from Sudheshna and Draupati that she's the wife of five powerful Gandharvas who would never spare anyone who eyes on her,he never paid any heed to her words as well as his sister's words and threatens his sister for destroying Matsya Kingdom. So Sudhesna forces Draupati to go to Keechaka's palace  where she would be molested and in fury she wanted her husband to take revenge against Keechaka and Bhima Kills Keechaka .Thus due to his pride and weakness for women Keechaka never listened to the advises from people around and finally invited death.

XLII : Poem :Be ware of crooked people.

XLII : Poem

Veeda valayu vani Goodina Neggugu

Veeti vadalandu Velayuvadu.

Padu cheyu panulu Paripatiyegada..

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

వీడ వలయు వాని గూడిన నెగ్గుగు ,

వీటి వాడ లందు వెలయు వాడు. 

పాడుచేయు పనులు పరిపాటియేగదా 

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : Social Skills are essential ! One has to be friendly with everyone but need to be careful while choosing the friends because if we mingle with  and befriend  crooked persons  we will be in trouble. Though our intentions may be good but the crooked company will force us to indulge into negative actions  that is harmful to our lives. Hence we need to be away from crooked people.

Story : Karna was a born warrior with natural armour as a boon bestowed to him by Surya .He was the son of Kunti and Lord Surya before Kunti's marriage with Pandu Raja.Kunti had to discard and disown him with a Societal Stigma having borne a child before marriage.However Radha and Adiratha Nanadana rescued him from the currents of Ganges and fostered him.He grew up as a brave child.He was so popular for his magnanimity and charity but just because he chose Duryodhana as his friend who was very cruel to Pandavas and tortured Pandavas against Dharma,Karna had to face the defeat as well as dis respect in the society.hence we need to be careful in choosing the friends.

Poem XLI : Irony of Life

 XLI Poem :

Vaana Bhayamu Cheta Vadi dooredaru Lona

Nenda Kenta Yaina Mondi Charatu

Rela Loka Janulu Me lorva kunduru

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema !!

Telugu Version :

వాన భయము చేత వాడు దూరే డా రులోనా ,

నెండ కెంత నైనా మొండి చఱతు 

రేలా లోక జనుల మీ లోర్వకుందురు . 

విస్వదాభిరామా వినురవేమ 

Meaning : The nature of the People is so difficult to understand that the cool rain drives them inside and makes them avoid it  with a fear of falling sick where as and at the same time they accept the heat which also may spoil their health.They never hesitate to move in scorching son though it may cause sunstroke .None accept the goodness in the fellow beings around them as they refuse to accept the coolness of rain.

Story :The best example of this poem can be found in Mahabharata where Bhishma Drona and Vidura tried teaching good /dharma to Kauravas which was not accepted by them. They never paid any heed to the words of these elders and ran away from them as we run away from the rain with a fear it harms us .But Kauravas always followed the words of Sakuni who was cunning and deceitfully filled venomous thoughts in them and thus directed them towards destruction of the whole clan. Thus most of us innocently /unintentionally fall prey to negative influence without understanding the negative consequences .We need to analyse the suggestions given by others and accept the positive qualities in life.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

XXXVII: Poem : Love reciprocates Love !


Tanu valachina Daa valachunu

Tanu valavakunna nevadu ta valavadilam

Tanaduu Patatopambulu

Tana mayalu Panikiravu Dharalo vema !!

Telugu Version :

తాను వలచిన దా వలచును 

తాను వలువకున్న నెవడు తా వలవదిలము . 

తానాడూ పటాటోపంబులు 

తన మాయలు పనికిరావు ధరలో వేమా 

Meaning : Love invariably  reciprocates !! If you show unconditional love towards others certainly it is returned with the same degree and nevertheless the hatred that is exhibited  by us shall revert with the same consistency .We all have to remember that no one will love us by looking at our outward appearances and wealth. Even if someone gets importance due to their sly and deceitfulness ,its just a temporary one :On knowing the truth they stop respecting and liking us.So be true to yourself as well as to others.

Story : In Ramayana Ravana showed his pride and used his power as well as his physical Personality and abducted Seeta .He felt that every Lady would certainly like either his physical appearance or his power or wealth but failed to understand that People love persons like Rama who is an embodiment of Love and respect for all .He loved Hanuman and Sabari and his brothers Lakshmana and Bharat unconditionally hence never upset with the consequnece of his father's boon to Kaikayee his aunt and Bharat's mother. When Bharat came to meet Rama in the Ashram during his exile ,Lakshmana suspected Bharata and expressed anger but Rama cuddled Bharat with the same love and affection and enquired about the welfare of all People of Ayodhya.Rama gave love and got back love from all where as Ravana spread hatred and power he got back the same hatred even from his own family members like Vibhishana who joined hands with Rama and became instrumental for the death of Ravana .

Hence we need to love and respect everyone to get back the same from all.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

XL Poem : Pride shadows other good qualities .

 XL Poem :

Madamucheta Loka mayalu Teliyaru 

Madamucheta dannu marachu

Budhileni Pasula Polika Cheduduru

Viswadha abhirama Vinura vema!!

Telugu Version :

మదము చేత లోక మాయలు  తేలియారు 

మదము చేత దన్ను మరచు ,

బుద్ధిలేని పశుల పోలిక చెడుదురు 

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : Pride makes a man forget the wisdom and lures him to indulge into unethical actions and makes them  behave savage or like animals.So one should not be proud of either wealth,knowledge or any other good traits and matreialistic possessions.

Story : According to Hindu legends, Parashurama was born to the Brahmin sage Jamadagni and his Kshatriya wife Renuka, living in a hut. His birthplace is believed to be on top of the Janapav hills in Indore M.P. On top of the hills is a Shiva temple where Parshurama is believed to have worshipped Lord Shiva, the ashram (abbey) is known as Jamadagni Ashram, named after his father. They had a celestial cow called Surabhi which gives all they desire ( cow Kamadhenu''s daughter). A king named Karthya Virarjuna  learns about it and wants it. He asks Jamadagni to give it to him, but the sage refuses. While Parashurama is away from the hut, the king takes it by force. Parashurama learns about this crime, and is upset. With his axe in his hand, he challenges the king to battle. They fight, and Parushama kills the king, according to the Hindu history. The warrior class challenges him, and he kills all his challengers. The legend likely has roots in the ancient conflict between the Brahmin varna, with knowledge duties, and the Kshatriya varna, with warrior and enforcement roles.

All Kshatriya Kings showed their pride and in the incarnation of Parasurama ,he killed them all to teach lesson.At the fag end of his avatara ,he too showed pride and finally realized his mistake and concluded his avatara.

How did it happen ?

when Rama emerged successful in breaking the Shiva Dhanush to get married to Seeta,all of a sudden sage Infuriated Parasuma appeared and accused Rama for breaking shiva Dhanush and proudly challenged to lift and break the Bow of Lord Vishnu namely Kodanda  in Pride without realizing the fact that Rama is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu.As an incarnation of Lord Vishnu ,Rama held his bow and all the power of Parasurama got vansihed and depleted .This story tells that none can be proud of their power,wealth and any kind of materialistic possessions.Pride always hath a fall.

XXXIX : Poem : Humility attracts respect !!

 XXXIX : Poem

Mrigamudammu chuda meeda nallaganundu

Paridha millu dani parimalambu

Guruvu laina Vari gunamu Leelaguraa

Viswa dha Abhirama Vinura Vema !

Meaning : The true Gurus look very humble and simple and never exhibit their knowledge and maintain a low profile yet shines bright inwardly and spreads knowledge to all those who interact with them like Deer Musk though looks dark and ugly from outside its famous for its scent or luring perfume.Its perfume is spread all over .

Story : Vasistha and Viswamitra both are Rishis and gurus but Vasistha was respected and revered more than Viswamitra due to Vasista's humility and simplicity despite becoming Rajarshi.Viswamitra became Maharshi and struggled to become Rajarshi where as Vasistha with his concentration and Shradha embedded with simplicity became Rajarshi.There is a story connected to show Viswamitra's pride and Vasistha's humility and soft nature.

The Ramayana  presents a similar account about Kamadhenu, however, here the sage is Vashista and the king is Viswamitra Once, king Vishwamitra with his army arrived at the hermitage of sage Vashista. The sage welcomed him and offered a huge banquet – to the army – that was produced by Sabala – as Kamadhenu is called in the text. The astonished king asked the sage to part with Sabala and instead offered thousand of ordinary cows, elephants, horses and jewels in return. However, the sage refused to part with Sabala, who was necessary for the performance of the sacred rituals and charity by the sage. Agitated, Vishwamitra seized Sabala by force, but she returned to her master, fighting the king's men. She hinted Vashista to order her to destroy the king's army and the sage followed her wish. Intensely, she produced Pallava warriors, who were slain by Vishwamita's army. So she produced warriors of Shaka -Yavana lineage. From her mouth, emerged the Kambhojas from her udder Barvaas from her hind Yavanas and Shakas, and from pores on her skin, haritas ,Kiratas  and other foreign warriors. Together, the army of Sabala killed Vishwamitra's army and all his sons. This event led to a great rivalry between Vashista and Vishwamitra, who renounced his kingdom and became a great sage to defeat Vashista.Vashista never wanted this destruction to occur and was ready to renounce Kamadhenu for peace but Kamadhenu refused to go with Viswamitra.

XXXVIII ; Kindness is important than wealth


Kalimi kalginemi Karuna lekundina

Kalimi Tagune Dusthakarmulakunau

Tene Gurpaniga Teruvuna Bovada

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version : 

కలిమి కలిగెనేమి కరుణ లేకుండిన 

కలిమి తగునే దుష్టకర్ములకునుఁ 

తేనే గూర్పనింగ తెరువున బోవడా ?

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ. 


Meaning : If wealth lies in the hands of kind people who are philanthropists, it reaches the needy, and if a crooked and cunning person has abundance of wealth it is of no use.How honey bee collects honey but never will be useful to the needy.similarly an unkind person amasses wealth for no one's benefit.

Story : Parikshit who was the descendant of Pandavas was born to Uttara and Abhimanyu, Raja Parikshit was the only successor of the Pandavas. Parikshit, the grandson of Arjuna, was first killed in his mother's womb by a Brahmastra (the ultimate weapon/missile) directed towards him by Ashwatthama - the son of Guru Dronacharya - during the Mahabharat war at Kurukshetra.

Lord Krishna stepped in and extended cover to save Uttara's womb and its fruit from the attack by Ashwatthama. He used the Sudarshana to neutralise the effect of the Brahmastra to protect the embryo in Uttara’s womb. When the child was born lifeless, it was Krishna who gave it life through His yogic powers.

After Krishna left for Vaikuntam and the Pandavas renounced the world of power and pleasure, Parikshit inherited the throne of Hastinapur. A Raja who was known for establishing a dharmic (fair and just) Rajya (rule), Parikshit once came across a gruesome sight where a cow and an ox were brutally being beaten by a shudra.

It is believed that the ox was actually Dharmaraj, who after Krishna’s departure had been plagued by malicious activities. The Shudra, on the other hand, was Kaliyug, who had brought adharma and asatya along with himself. By making use of his knowledge and power, Parikshit brought Kali down to his knees and saved the world from adharma

Parikshit, in spite of his immense knowledge and power, fell prey to his anger and brought his doom on himself, when after an extremely exhausting encounter with wild beasts, Parikshit visited the ashram of Sameeka Maharshi. 

The Maharshi, engrossed in his dhyanam (intensive meditation), failed to notice an exhausted Parikshit. Infuriated by the ignorance of Sameeka, Parikshit put a dead snake around his neck, before leaving the place, frustrated. Little did he know that his anger would cost him his life.  

Shrungi, Sameeka Maharshi’s son, after noticing the unpleasant sight, gave him a shraapam (curse) to die of a snake-bite on the seventh day. Sameeka Maharshi, aware of Parikshit’s greatness, after getting to know about the shraapam, felt sorry for Parikshit and decided to inform him about the curse.   

With great remorse and regret, Parikshit accepted his fate and made Janamejaya, one of his four sons, the king of Hastinapur. Waiting for death, however, was not that easy for Parikshit. In spite of listening to the discourses of sage Suka Dev every day, he was not able to gather himself to believe that his days were actually numbered.

His restlessness and fear did not go unnoticed by the sage. To lighten his mind, he recited a story of a king, who has spent a night at a fowler’s house, had developed a kind of fondness for the place, because of which he wanted to stay back. The story was actually about Parikshit, whose soul was unwilling to leave the body and go back to the place it belonged to. 

The story cleared the concepts of aatma and mrityu for Parikshit. The lines gave him the courage to accept his fate. Fears and hopes had vacated his mind when Takshaka, disguised as a Brahman, came to him and bit him. Mrityu came to him when he had made peace with his destiny. 

XXXVI : Poem : A crooked son can destroy the whole clan !

 XXXVI : Poem :

Endinamanokkati  Adavini

Nundina Nadagni Butti Yudchunu Chetlanu

Dandigala Vamsa mellanu 

Chandalun dokkadu putti salpunu vema.

Telugu Version :

ఎండినకొమ్మొకటి అడవిని 

నుండిన నాడ గ్ని బుట్టి ,యూడ్చును చెట్లెల్లను . 

దండిగల వంశమెల్లను ,

చండా లు న్  డొక్కడు పుట్టి సల్పును వేమా. 

Meaning : One dry tree is sufficient to set ablaze the whole trees in the forest as it quickly catches fire, similarly a treacherous and cruel son may defame the whole clan due to his negative qualities. He would be the root cause for the decline of the whole clan like Ravanasura.

Story : Duryodhana the eldest of all Kauravas, was the most pampered and spoilt child who grew up to be very notorious for his pride and cruelty. He was always jealous of Pandavas popularity among gurus as well as elderly courtiers in the kingdom. His negative qualities led him to grab the kingdom from his own first cousins who were the legal hires of the kingdom in the Gambling, he also insulted his sister-in-law(Draupati) by dragging her to the court amidst the courtiers and he expelled Pandavas from his kingdom and made them live in Aranyavasa,yet , finally, he became the root cause for the decline of whole Kauravas in the battle Mahabharata as Pandavas won the Mahabharata through Dharma Yudha. All the Kauravas died because of the crooked nature of Duryodhana. Instead of glorifying the Clan, he became the cause of its decline and destruction.

The story of Duryodhana teaches us that one can win the war vindictively but it is temporary or the victory doesn't last long. The final victory goes to the person who follows dharma.

XXXV: Poem : Siri Ta vachina Vachunu :Money is temporary Character is important !!

 XXXV : Poem

Dhana mochina madamochunu

 Madamechina Durgunambu manaka Hechunu

Dhanamudigina mada mudugunu

Mada Mudingina Durgunambu manumu Vema.

Telugu Version :

ధనమొచ్చిన మదమొచ్చును

మదమొచ్చిన ,దుర్గుణంబుఁ మానక హెచ్చును ,

ధనముడిగిన మద  ముడుగును ,

మద ముడిగిన దుర్గుణంబు మా నుము వేమా !

Meaning : Money brings pride along with it in anyone's life. Pride leads to crookedness and a cunning mind. The moment money is lost, the pride goes away from the mind of a person. Hence we need to consciously work towards strong values like self-control and selfless service despite the money we earn or the wealth we amass! This quality of simplicity, humility, and selfless service is very difficult to acquire yet not impossible. So one has to consider money to be a commodity that earns few materialistic possessions and realize that it's temporary.

"Siri Ta vachunu Siri ta Povunu ": Money comes and goes!What is important is the character!

Story : The Mahabharata as a whole takes up the tale of a family feud between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas, and the Pandavas. The Pandavas had defeated the Kauravas in a horrific war. In the aftermath of the war, the remnants of the Kauravas have to make peace with the Pandavas. They co-habit, in an uneasy relationship, in the royal capital of Hastinapura. Their king is the Pandava monarch, Yudhisthira. Vidura has been a trusted adviser of both sides. Dhritarashtra in his old age, and ever-mindful of the losses he has sustained, retires to the forest with his wife, Gandhari, as well as the mother of the Pandavas, Kunti, and Vidura. They plan to lead an ascetic life in a forest hermitage.

One day Yudhisthira meets Dhritarashtra in the forest and Dhritarashtra said: ‘Vidura is well, My dear. He performs strict austerities. Seen here and there, he lives on air, his bones and veins in stark relief. He eats nothing.’ Just then, with matted locks and smeared with filth, naked with the dust of various wild flowers, Vidura was seen from afar. Turning to look at them, he stopped in his tracks. Yudhisthira gave chase alone, he ran into the woods. Here and there, seen and unseen, He vigorously pursued him. Shouting, ‘O Vidura! It is I your cherished king!’ Deep in the lonely woods, noble Vidura ceased to run. He took refuge by a tree. He was very thin. He retained only the shape of a human being (all his characteristic features had disappeared). Yudhishthira recognized him and said, ‘I am Yudhishthira’ Vidura, unblinking, fixed his gaze upon his lord and by it, was united with him. Limb on limb and breath on breath, Vidura united his life-breaths with the king's life-breaths, and his senses with the king's senses. Wise Vidura, as if afire, entered The king’s body, with his yogic power. Leaning against a tree, eyes fixed ahead, The king saw that life had now fled his frame. Full of vigor, suffused with new powers Yudhishthira, remembered all. Full of knowledge, he recalled lives gone by. Just as had been described to him before. Yudhṣṭhira thought to cremate his friend, but a heavenly voice began to speak: ‘O king, burn not this man; you are him And he is you; he is the god Dharma! My prince, heaven awaits him. He goes now to An ascetic’s rest, well-earned. Do not grieve!’

Vidura amidst the riches and Power remained calm and composed and was always known as the emotionally balanced person who was neutral to Kauravas and Pandavas thus proving character is more important than wealth and power.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

XXXIV : Poem : Nature never changes !!

XXXIV : Poem

Kanda Chakkerayunu Galiya Balposina

Tarimi pamu tannu daku gade..

Kapata munna vani kanipettavalenaya

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
కంద చక్కెఱయును గాలియ బాల్పోసిన ,
తరిమి పాము తన్ను దాకు గాదె ,
కపట మున్న వాని కనిపెట్టవలయెరా ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : A snake even if fed with sweet milk regularly with love,will it show gratitude? It may chase and kill the man who fed her as it is her nature. Similarly, a crooked person even if supported and helped well will never remember and show gratitude.So it is better we are cautious in assessing the people's qualities and wisely be away from the cunning and crooked people . Otherwise, we will be in trouble.

Story : Bhasmasura a powerful Rakshasa wanted to be immortal and became greedy to rule over the world.Hence indulged in staunch Tapas and worshipped Shiva for several years.Lord Shiva was impressed wit his worship and Tapas appeared in front of Bhasmasura and offered a boon.
Then Bhasmasura asked him to bless him that he can kill anyone with his right palm. Lord Shiva had bestowed him with that boon without understanding the bad intention of the demon. Bhasmasura wanted to test this boon bestowed bt Lord shiva and hence started chasing Lord Shiva to kill him. The Scary shiva ran towards Lord Vishnu for rescue. Lord Vishnu quickly disguised as Mohini and converted the demon's weakness for women and killed him as a part of a dance competition.
This story tells the moral that Lord Shiva failed to understand and assess the crookedness of Bhasmasura and got into trouble. So we need to be careful in assessing people.

XXXIII : Poem : Be skillful !


Eduu kanna dunna Elagu takkuva

Vivara merigi chudu Vritthi yandu

Nerpu leni vani Nera Yodhu dandura ?

Viswadha Abhirama  Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :

ఎద్దు కన్న దున్న ఎలాగు  తక్కువ ,
వివర మెరిగి చూడు వ్రిత్తి యందు ,
నెరుపు లేని వాని నేర యోధు దండురా ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : Though Ox and Bull have similar physical strength, Bull is used for cultivating as well as for a few domestic works as he is considered more receptive to instructions and skillful in conducting the tasks effectively than the Ox. Similarly even among human beings people with more receptive skills and professional efficiency are considered to be more popular than the person who looks physically strong. 

Story : Ravana the demon king of Lanka had two brothers,one is Vibhishana who looked physically meek yet intellectually and morally strong whereas Kumbhakarna was a huge and gigantic person who was very strong and powerful. He always used to do two things prominently one is to hog and gorge the food and then sleep . Irrespective of his physical strength he never was involved in the regular administrative tasks like his brother Vibhishana. Vibhishana,though not so strong physically was very effective in advising his brother in day to day administration of the kingdom. Thus one can be popular through knowledge not through physical strength.

Monday, August 3, 2020

XXX: Poem: Pride hath its fall !

XXX Poem :

Tamasinchi Cheya dagadetti karyambu

Vegirimpa nadiyu vishayemagunu

Pachikaya techipadaveya phalamoune

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura vema.

Telugu Version :
తామశించి చేయ దగదెట్టి కార్యంబు ,
వేగిరింపు నడి యు  విషయమగును . 
పచ్చికాయ తెచ్చి పడవేయ ఫలమౌనె ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ విమురవేమా 
Meaning : Do not act impulsively as it doesn't fetch positive results and better not to be proud of your own skill as it may lead to your downfall. One has to be humble and calm while taking any decisions otherwise, it boomerangs on us.
A raw fruit can't forcibly turn to a ripe fruit likewise any action done impulsively doesn't fetch good results.

Story : Agasthya Maharshi along with his wife used to live in Kasi, the present Varanasi.  Once Narada was heading towards Varanasi and came across Vindhya mountain. Vindhya bowed her head to Narada to show her respect and showed exemplary hospitality towards Narada while he was leaving and asked Narada to decide who is great? Meru or Vindhya"? for which Narada softly replied that each one is great in their own way but his answer didn't satisfy Vindhya mountain so she wanted to prove herself to be greater than Meru mountain, hence she grew her size gigantically and hurdled the Sun from moving around the Meru.Due to this the whole world became pitch dark. Realizing the chaos created by Vindhya mountain's pride, Brahma summoned all Devas (Gods)and said that Only Agasthya can teach a lesson to Vindhya mountain and bring back the Sunlight to the Universe. Hence Agasthya was called to complete this task. Agasthya had decided to sacrifice his life for a cause and went to Vindhya mountain to convince her. On his arrival Vindhya mountain bowed her head in respect: In response to this gesture, Agasthya ordered her to stay in the same position by bending her head till he comes back. Having said this he left Varanasi with his wife and never came back. Thus the Vindhya's pride lowered and the universe got back its sunlight. The sacrifice of Agasthya remained forever as a mark of respect.

II Story: Dasharatha was a skilled archer. He could aim at his target just by listening to the sound coming in from the direction. Shravana was on the banks of the river Sarayu to fetch water in a pitcher for his blind parents. The sound of the gurgle in the water attracted Dasharatha’s attention and he aimed his arrow mistaking Shravana for a deer.

As soon as he shot the arrow, he could hear the cry of a human. Dasharatha realized that the target hit by his arrow wasn’t a dear but a man. He rushed to his aid but by then Shravana was badly injured. Before breathing his last, Shravana asked Dasharatha to take the pitcher full of water for his parents.

When he reached out to Shravana’s parents, the Prince of Ayodhya, loaded with a sense of guilt, admitted to killing their son unintentionally. But the old couple, which had lost their only child forever, couldn’t bear the loss and cursed Dasharatha by telling him that he would meet the same fate and yearn for his child one day.

Thus, separation from Rama led to the untimely demise of King Dasharatha. Hence , one has to be careful in his actions.

XXIX : Poem : Acharydevo bhava

XXIX : Poem :

Annidamamulalonu anna daname goppa

Kanna vari kante Ghanulu leru

Enna Gurunikanna nekkuava leraya

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
అన్ని దానములలోను అన్న దాన మే గొప్ప 
కన్నా వారి కంటే ఘనులు లేరు. 
ఎన్న గురునికన్నా నెక్కువలేరయా 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : Of all the Daanas (Charity) Anna Dana is the noblest one. Parents are the most valuable and Precious Jewels one can have and the Guru who dispels the ignorance from the minds has to be respected as Lord Brahma.
Respecting Parents and Guru is a noble quality that can be bequeathed for generations as the quality of charity is inherited from parents.

Story: Sandeepani Maharshi was the Guru of Krishna and Balarama. He always felt honored to teach LORD Vishnu in the form of Krishna. Both Balarama and Krishna had learned all the skills imparted by their Guru Sandipani with utmost interest and focus thus achieving success. The relationship between Guru(Sandipani)and his students(Krishna and Balarama) was so strong and stood exemplary.
On completion of the course,Krishna and Balarama bowed to sandipani and said that they want to pay "Guru Dakshina" for all the knowledge and skills that he imparted to them. Sandipani Maharshi said "I don't want any money but please rescue my son who was eaten away by the Ocean. Immediately, they went to the Ocean and asked to release Sandipani's son for which the Ocean replied that Panchajanya the demon had killed him. Krishna immediately killed Pachajanya to save the boy from his stomach but in vain. By then the boy reached Yamaoka . Yama, on hearing shankha blown by Krishna released Sandipani's son. Thus they could pay tribute to their teacher.
This story tells us that irrespective of our status, wealth, and position,we need to respect the teacher.

XXVIII: Poem : Knowledge is hidden in a wise man !

XXVIII: Poem :

Gajukuppelona Kadalaka Deepambu

Ettulundu Gnanambu lattulundu

Telisinavari Dehambulanduna

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.
Telugu Version :

గాజుకుప్పెలోన కదలక దీపంబు 
ఎట్టులుండు  జ్ఞానంబు  లట్టులుండు .  
తెలిసినవారి దేహంబులందున 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning: Knowledge is preserved and hidden in a wise person as the flame in the lamp is protected by the Glass doom. Wisdom is always protected and embedded in a wise person even if he doesn't showcase it outwardly. None can steal the wisdom and knowledge from a wise person.Knowledge is the only quality that can be multiplied with sharing, Neither the King nor the thief can steal it away from anyone.

Story : Prahlada the staunch devotee of Lord Vishnu was an embodiment of knowledge as he learned all the skills from his gurus and the devotion for Lord Vishnu in itself is wisdom that was innate in him.His father Hiiranyakashyapa had tried his level best to distract him from the power of devotion yet he failed in grabbing the knowledge and devotional power of Prahalada towards Lord Vishnu. Despite many attempts Hiranyakashyapa Prahlada continued chanting the name of Vishnu again and without getting deviated from the external forces in punishing him.

XXVII: Poem ; A Clan is Glorified by a Noble child .

XXVII : Poem

Kulamulona Nokadu Gunavantudundina

Kulamu Velayu vani Gunamu Cheta

Velayu Vanamulona Malayajamunnatlu

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
కులములోన ఒక్కడు గుణవంతుడుండిన ,
కులము వెలయు వాణి గుణము చేత 
వెలయు వనములోన మలయజమున్నటు ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : A noble son can bring fame to his family and clan with his great qualities . There are certain qualities that can be inherited in everyone that despite the environmental influences the innate qualities are still exhibited. And such  noble persons bring fame not only to their parents but to the whole clan. May  their tribe flourish !!

Story : Bharata is the son of Shakuntala and Dushyanta.Shakuntala the daughter of Kanva maharshi was an innocent and beautiful girl brought up in a Hermitage and Dushyanta the king once met her while he came for hunting as a pleasure of the clan. He was Spellbound by the beauty of Shakuntala nd fell in love with her and married her. They had a son namely Bharat . Unfortunately Dushyant after reaching his kingdom forgot Shakuntala and disowned her . After few years heard about the bravery,intellect and various other skills exhibited by Bharat apart from great values ,hence decided meet him and in due course realised that he is none other than his own son hence accepted him and Enthroned him. During his kinship Bharata gained popularity due to his administrative skills as well as qualities like compassion ,love and kindness towards his subjects. He conquered many kingdoms and emerged as great warrior. Thus out Country got the name as Bharata .

Sunday, August 2, 2020

XXVI : Charity maketh a man : Not the physical appearace

XXVI :  Poem

Oddu Podugu Galgi Gaddambu Nidupaina

Dana Gunamuleka dataoune 

Yenumu Peddadaina Yenuguboluna

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema

Telugu Version :
ఒడ్డు  పొడుగు గలిగి గడ్డంబు నిడుపైన ,
దన గుణము లేక దాతవునే?
ఎనుము పెద్దదైనా ఏనుగు బోలునా ?
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 
Meaning : One may attract People with his/her beauty and strong physique but will he/she be accepted and liked by people only based on his/her kind actions of charity and compassion,certainly not looks !An Ox, how much ever big may be can't be equal to an Elephant ,like wise  people may get carried away by the external beauty of a person temporarily yet only respect the person who walks the talk and shows kindness through his actions rather than words.

Story :   Ranti Deva was a popular king not because of his physical appearance but due to his charity. He always used to help people . He kept on showing his magnanimity by giving charity to who all asked him. There was a time Ranti Deva became penniless due to this charity. he lost all is wealth and became a pauper. He became so poor that he started starving for more than a fortnight.Gods want to test his quality of magnanimity hence he was accorded with a feast all of a sudden.Ranti Deva was so happy that he and his family could eat stomachful at least for a day.As they were about to eat a Brahmin came to ask for alms.Considering him to be "Athithi Devo Bhava" Ranti had served some food to him.The remaining food was about to be consumed by him when another sage came to ask for food ,the remaining food was also given to him.They were just left with some water:They wanted to quench their thirst when a person came with his dogs and asked for water :without an iota of hesitation that water was also served to the third atithi .Having experienced the magnanimity of Ranti ,the Gods were very much impressed at him and blessed him.Charity is not to give when you have excess ,Charity is to give even in the grim of  poverty.This quality makes a person noble.

II Story : In olden days there ruled in Ayodhya, an emperor by name Sibi. One day when he was seated on his throne attending to affairs of state, a dove flew to the king for refuge. 'Save me,' gasped the dove, 'and protect me from my cruel enemy.'

    The poor bird looked pitiable; it was bleeding and its feathers were torn. Sibi stroked its feathers gently and said, 'Poor dove, be not afraid. I shall take care of you. Cost what it may, I will see that your life is protected. No harm shall come to you at any time.'

At this moment, a huge hawk flew into the hall where the emperor was seated, and said, 'Great Ruler, I am a bird of prey. I have to live by killing other birds and making a meal of them. I had almost killed this bird when it flew to you for shelter. Do you not know that by saving that dove you will really be the cause of the death of myself and my whole family? Is that fair? How can you be said to be virtuous and just if my family and myself are victims of dire injustice, at your hands?'

    'Ah!  I see,' said the emperor, 'it is because you have lost your prey that you are angry. But I cannot agree  to give up to you the dove that I have sworn to protect. Instead, you shall have whatever you choose to feed you, your wife and children. Tell me what you want and you shall have plenty of it.'

    'Very well,' said the hawk, 'you say I may have anything I choose. Then I choose a portion of your flesh of the same weight as the dove. That is the only substitute I am willing to accept.

The king expressed his willingness to grunt this strange request and ordered the scales to be brought. He placed the dove in one scale and in the other he placed piece after piece of flesh out from his body, so that they might be equal in weight to the dove. But the more he cut off the flesh of his body and put in the scale, the heavier the bird appeared to be. All that was now left of him was his mere frame of bones. Even then the scales were not poised equally. So he himself sat in the scale. His wife and relations, his ministers and generals were struck with grief. Loud sobbing and weeping were heard on all sides. But Sibi sat unmoved and looked cheerful because he felt happy to think that he was true to his promise and was going to save the life of a poor bird that sought his aid. He said, 'I sit here as a sovereign not of the low or the great, not of the dove or the hawk but as the living embodiment of Dharma (justice). If I fail in my duty, my people will do likewise and Adharma (injustice) will prevail everywhere.'

    At this heroic sacrifice, celestial nymphs and angels were pleased and came down to the earth.

    Suddenly there was heard a loud voice, 'Saved, saved.' Nobody knew whence the voice came. They all looked around. The hawk was gone and was no more to be seen. Only the dove  was there. The dove said, 'Emperor Sibi, wonder not. I shall explain it all. I am no dove, nor is that a real hawk that asked for the flesh of your body. That was God Indra and I am God Agni. We heard that your love of birds and beasts was very great. We wanted to test the truth of it. we are now satisfied. You will find your body as strong and handsome as before. You will live to a good old age and reign happily. Your name will be handed down from generation to generation and your praises will be sung for ever'.

    With these words, the dove too disappeared when, to the immense joy of all, Sibi stood up as strong and mighty as before. He lived for many years and ruled his subjects as he had ever done.

XXV : Poem : It's difficult to get rid of bad habits

XXV : Poem :

Enta Chaduvu Chadivi  Enni Nerchina Gani

Heenudavagunambu Manaledu

Boggu Pala kadugapovuna Malinambu

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :

 ఎంత చదువు చదివి ఎంత నేర్చిన గాని ,
హీనుడవగుణము మానలేడు . 
బొగ్గు పాల కడుగ పోవునా మలినంబు 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ. 
Meaning : A person who is cruel and cunning can't get rid of his dreadful qualities despite being educated. He can never change his crookedness. Changing and cleansing his mind and malice is like cleaning the coal with milk continuously to make it lose its original color.

Story : Ravana the demon king was a highly knowledgeable king with abundant courage and devotion toward Lord Shiva. He was well known for his administrative skills and communicative skills who attracted people but he was defeated as he could not get rid of his weakness for women. Though his brother Vibhishana and his wife tried correcting him several times he could not be cleansed of his crooked nature.
One more example of this can be cited from Mahabharata. Duryodhana was educated along with the Pandavas.He grew to be a great warrior and brave person. Despite all these skills, he became very notorious for his cruel and crooked nature. His education had not dispelled the darkness of jealousy from his mind so he kept on troubling his cousin Pandavas and his acts of injustice towards Pandavas reveal his innate cruelty.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

XXIV : Poem ; Words can be corrected but not the mind !!

Maata Didda vachu mari Yeggulekunda 

Didda vachu Rati Tinna ganu

Manasu Diddaradu Mahinenta variki

Viswadha Abhi rama Vinura Vema

Telugu Version :
మాట దిద్ద వచ్చు మరి ఎగ్గులేకుండ ,
దిద్ద వచ్చు రాతి తిన్న గాను . 
మనసు దిద్దరాదు మహినెంత వారికి ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 
Meaning : This Poem explains the impossible thing that is to be achieved in this world  even by the wisest person i.e.: Correcting and changing the mind :
We can teach the correct way of speaking when a person doesn't know how to speak: Communication skills can be taught :Similarly any hard rock can be chiseled and shaped in the way we like but changing and correcting mind is certainly next to impossible because our mind is so fickle that it makes or mars our life and controlling one's mind is the toughest job .And it is possible only by self correction and meditation  .

Explanation : A wasp or a fire fly ,though knows that it gets burnt can't avoid going near the fire as it attracts it, A fish gets attracted to the prey tied to the hook/net ,an insect gets attracted to the sticky honey and reaches its death ,Similarly a human being gets attracted to negative things easily and sometimes gets into trouble  due to impulses .Its very difficult to control our  fickle mind.Our life can be compared to a small boat floating on the water and it's our wisdom and intellect to see to it that our boat doesn't get punctured that quality of caution should save us from dangers of life .
Otherwise we will be victimized like Viswamitra.

Story :  Viswamitra the maharshi was known for his power of knowledge and skills ,he was the Guru who imparted Ati Bala and Maha Bala skills to Rama and Lakshmana and he took their help to save the Yagnas performed by Rishis in the Jungle.Due to his teachings along with their noble skills and intellect Rama and Lakshmana protected the Yagas by killing Subahu and driving away Maricha.
But Viswamitra was never contented with what ever he had ,he wanted to create a parallel "Swarga" due to  his over confidence .In Order to achieve this goal he started strong Tapas to impress Gods to get the power of creating Swarga on his own.Indra was scared that he may lose his power and also anticipated the repercussions of having two heavens so he sent Menaka to distract him.Menaka appeared in front of Viswamitra and attracted him through her dance and beauty.All the wisdom and knowledge in Viswamitra could not stop him from getting distracted by the beauty of Menaka.He fell in love with Menaka and married her forgetting his goal.
This is the best example of fickle mindedness and the futility of mind.