Tuesday, July 28, 2020

XXII: Poem : Quality & strength not the size is Important !!

 XXII :Poem

Lavana menta dani Labhambu gana nenta 

Koddi Danuchu nenna Goodanayya

Bhogimetiki Nupayogambe lekkagu

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :

లవణమెంత దాని లాభంబు గాన నెంత ,

కొద్దీ దంచు నిన్న గుడనేయ్య ,

భోగిమేటికి నుపయోగంబె లెక్కగు 

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : This poem explains the importance of utility and purpose of anyone's existence in life. usually, people are judged by appearances rather than their qualities. Take the example of Salt: The size of each salt granule is so tiny but it adds flavor to our food and food without salt is tasteless. Likewise, the poet is advising us not to judge anyone or anything by seeing outward appearances but to be careful in jumping to conclusions in underestimating the power of trustworthy people.

Story : Once there lived a King who had three beautiful daughters.Once the king called his daughters to find out how much they value him. The Eldest Princess said," Your Highness,I value you as this kingdom"You are so important to me".Kind felt very elated on listening to it. The second Princess was summoned when she answered that she values the King more than the Gold and riches of the kingdom" which made king all the more delighted. Then he summoned the third daughter and asked the same question "How much do you value me in your life" The third Princess humbly said "Your Highness I value you as the salt in my life " On hearing this answer the King was aghast and turned furious and felt insulted for being compared to or valued as salt which is so small. So he ordered his soldiers to expel his third daughter from the kingdom. The sad princess left the kingdom all alone leaving all the wealth and comforts behind.

After a few months, the king went out in the forest for hunting and he was terribly tired and also lost his way in the forest and was separated from his soldiers and started wandering the forest. Suddenly he found a small hut. As he was too tired and thirsty wanted to borrow some water from there and entered the hut. He was aghast to see his third daughter in that hut. Princess too felt quite happy to see her father. Firstly she offered him some water and then served him food. The moment the King tasted the food he grew furious once again for serving tasteless food without salt.On hearing her father's infuriated words the Princess explained " Your Highness! Now did you understand the utility and importance of salt in the food? and in our lives " I meant the same! As food without salt can't be tasteful my life without you is also tasteless"!I value you as salt because I consider salt to be the most valuable thing in our lives".On listening to the words of his third daughter King had realized his mistake and apologized to her and took her back to the kingdom along with him and loved her and respected her throughout his life and considered her to be the most precious jewel in his life.

XXIII: Poem : Knowledge is Power

Mataladagalugu marmamulerigina

Pinna Peddatanamu Lenna valadu.

Pinna Cheti Divve Peddaga Velugada

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
మాటలాడగలుగు  మర్మములెరిగిన ,
పిన్న పెద్ద తనము లేన్న వద్దు ,
పిన్న చేతి దివ్వె పెద్దగా వెలుగదా ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning:  We should respect the knowledge and managerial skills of any person despite his age. We should not underestimate the young people even amidst the wise old people. Knowledge and administrative ability are not associated with age. A torch spreads the same light whether in the hands of a young or old one. Hence a knowledgeable person should be honored forever despite his age and experience.

Story : There is a beautiful story related to this poem.Prahlada is the son of Hiranyakasipa who was a demon king, who acquired the power of immortality through intense Tapas and bestowed a boon by Brahma that neither a human being nor an animal can kill him. Once he was bestowed with this boon, he started degrading Vishnu in many ways. Apart from this he became quite arrogant and treated others very rudely.
Hiranyakasipa had a son namely Prahalada who turned out to be a staunch devotee of Lord Vishnu which enraged Hiranyaksha. He never paid any heed to the words of Prahallada and ignored his wise words to plead to Lord Vishnu for his kindness. Hiranyakasipa tried punishing Prahlada and finally went to an extent of ordering his soldiers to kill him yet every time the devotion of Prahlada towards Lord Vishnu saved him miraculously which was not accepted by his father. He kept on cursing Lord Vishnu in front of Prahlada. Finally in heated combat between the father and son: Hiranyakasipu asked Prahlada "when you say Vishnu is Omni Present and Omni Potent, Can you show your Lord Vishnu in this rock pillar?" Prahlada's staunch devotion made him pray to Lord Vishnu which impressed Lord Vishnu and he came in the form of a Half-human and Half Lion from the rock pillar and like a ferocious Lion killed Hiranykasipu.
If Hiranyakasipu would have paid heed to Prahalada's words and understood the ultimate power of God he would have lived happily. Thus we can never underestimate youngsters and demean them.

XXI: Poem : Be Humble !!

Alpudepudu Baluku aadambaramuganu 

Sajjanundu Paluku Challaganu

Kanchu mogunatlu Kanakambu Moguna

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura vema.

Telugu Version :

అల్పుడెపుడు బల్కు ఆడంబరముగాను ,
సజ్జనుండు పలుకు చల్లగాను ,
కంచు మొగునట్లు కనకంబు మోగునా ?
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning :  A foolish or a moron would continuously blow his trumpet and speaks high about his actions without even doing any good to anyone.Where as a noble person speaks softly maintaining a low profile and being humble .One needs to understand the  difference between the sounds made by Bronze and Gold.Will Gold make the sound of a Bronze object ? tough it is costlier than Bronze? Like wise we should be  humble and modest rather than feeling proud and being arrogant.

Story : When Ravana ,the demon king abducted Seeta and took her to Lanka,the sorrowful Rama along with Lakshmana started searching for Seeta and in that process reached Kishkinda ,made friends with Sugriva and empowered hanuman who was a famous devotee of Rama ,to go to Lanka to enquire the welfare of Sita.Hanuman  the Vayuputra is known for his bravery and courage ,yet very humble (though some call it diffidence)In the process of searching for sita in Lanka he humbly pleaded Sita to accept him as the devotee of Rama and expressed his loyalty and reverence towards Rama .Though capable ,he agreed to fo back to Rama to inform and bring him back with the troops to wage war against Ravana.
On contrary,Ravana, is so proud of his wealth,bravery and power that he demeaned everyone including his own brother.When he got to know about Hanuman's unauthorised entry into Lanka he was very furious and wanted  to show his power by killing Hanuman.He summoned Hanuman to his court and insulted im,yet Hanuman kept quiet   .
This story tells us to be humble and speak softly with others .

Thursday, July 23, 2020

XX : Poem : Effective communication is important.Walk the Talk !!

XX : Poem

Maataladavacchu Manasu Telapagaledu

Telupavachu dannu Teliya ledu 

SuriyaBatta vacchu Soorudu Kaledu

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version:

మాటలాడవచ్చు మనసు తెలపగలేడు ,
తెలుపవచ్చు దన్ను తెలియ లేడు .
సూర్య బట్ట  వచ్చు సూరీడు కాలేడు 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning: A Talkative Person without the clarity of thought may speak well but can't communicate his intentions clearly. He may advise others superficially about the gospels yet can never control his mind . All men who hold swords can't become brave warriors, Likewise, all People who talk Gospels and advise others to correct themselves  need not have to follow what they say.

Story : Drona Charya being a teacher advised many students to develop good qualities like not to be judgemental about anyone and treat all students alike but in practice, he didn't; Ex : He was biased towards Arjuna, As he never wanted anyone to be more dexterous than Arjuna, he refused to teach archery to Ekalavya with a pretext that Ekalavya wasn't a Kshatriya and thus he sent a wrong signal as a teacher failing to understand that the true purpose of  Education is equity despite the era one lives in!.he also ruthlessly demanded Ekalavya's thumb as a Guru Dakshina thus he elevated Arjuna to be the greatest archer in the World.
This story tells that one shouldn't be biased and  a Guru requires transparency and good intention to be called as Guru. This quality of Drona Charya made him remain as simple Guru to impart skills to his students as he forgot the true meaning of Acharya who had to focus on Spiritual growth of students and accept everyone alike. Hence people who simply impart skills will not get respect but a true teacher is to accept all follow equity.

XIX : Poem : Education is for living and Life

 XIX : Poem :

Vidya Lekayunna Vittamu lekunna

Moodhudaina tudaku Moogayaina

Nisthabandhudaina Kastame Kalugunu

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
విద్య లేకున్నా విత్తము లేకున్న,
మూడు డైన  తుదకు మూగయైన ,
నిష్ఠ బంధుడైన తుదకు కష్టమే కలుగును 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : The universal fact is spoken through this poem. One needs education as well as money to lead a happy life. A Person who is educated and rich can lead a comfortable life despite his foolishness or any physical disabilities. Where as a well mannered and righteous person can never lead a happy and comfortable life without education and money. So Education for living is equally important as the education for life. So one has to be more practical in understanding the materialistic world in order to lead a respectable life.

Story : Sudama the close friend of Krishna neither had education nor money due to his poor financial background. Hence though he was very sincere and honest along with righteousness he led an uncomfortable life filled with poverty. He was unable to feed his family .
How did it happen and why he remained poor?
Krishna and Sudama once went to the forest to gather brushwood. They stayed in forest for long, walking and chatting with each other, while also enjoying the beauty of their environment. It started getting quite late and Krishna got hungry. Sudama, in the meantime, had some beaten rice (atukulu) with him, which was given by Sandipan's wife before they leave and she asked to share the food with Krishna. However, Sudama didn't offer this food to his friend. Krishna kept telling him how hungry he was and asked his friend if he had anything at all to eat. Sudama denied taking along anything to eat. A while later Krishna laid down on Sudama's lap, after which Sudama took the beaten rice and started eating. Lord Krishna though his eyes are closed, he knew what's going on and asked Sudama what was he eating. Sudama said, "nothing, it was due to cold you hear my teeth biting". Then Krishna tells Sudama a story in which there were two friends and one of them ate food without offering to other. When the friend asked what was he eating, he says "what is there to eat, except mud". Then the friend says " Tadhastu ( Let it happen that way)". Krishna adds, the friend in this story is greedy and not as good as you. So it happens to you only if you are greedy too. This explains why Sudama experienced extreme poverty and he gained wealth only after offering Lord Krishna's share of beaten rice. The moral of the story is to offer food to hungry people or animals ( Seeing God in all creatures) around you before you eat.

After they returned to Gurukul, when guru mata asked about the indecent Krishna told that he not even got a single bite, guru mata angrily told sudama that you will be poor for your entire life and this sin will not be cured until you will face this for decades.

Thats why Krishna was help less due to guru Matas words for sudama, and he was not able to help him.when Krsihna and Sudama returned to ashram after the incident, Krishna told him that sudama owe this to Krishna. That he has to return it some day. Sudama spent all of his time and effort in religious efforts befitting a true Brahmin which explained why he was financially not well off. These included teaching religion and moral duties, spreading spirituality through society etc.

XVIII ;Poem : Patience is the key to success.

 XVIII Poem : 

Bahula Kavyamulanu barikimpaga vachu

Bahula Shabdha Chayamu Paluka Vachu

Sahana Mokkatabba Chaala Kastamura

Viswadha Abirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu :
బహుళ కార్యంబు లను బలికింపంపగ వచ్చు ,
బహుళ శబ్ద చయము బలు క వచ్చు 
సహన మొక్కటబ్బచాల కష్టమురా 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : A Highly learned person may be able to study Puranas and Kavyas of high magnitude. A Knowledgeable person may be able to communicate exceptionally well and convey his thoughts and ideas inspiringly to others but the most crucial skill and quality one needs to develop is "PATIENCE"!As  this quality of Patience is very essential to achieve success and to be termed as a wise man.

Story: Maharshi Viswa Mitra was the most venerated Rishis mentioned in Puranas as well as Valmiki Ramayana.Despite all the wisdom and compassion, he had short temper, whether it is during the time of taking Rama and Lakshmana from Ayodhya to safeguard the Yagya that's planned by Rishis which was being interrupted by Maricha and Subahu, or an encounter with Vashista where Vashista destroys Vishvamitra's entire army by the simple use of his great mystic and spiritual powers, breathing the Om syllable. Vishvamitra then undertakes a Tapasya for several years to please Shiva, who bestows upon him the knowledge of celestial weaponry. He proudly goes to Vaśiștha's ashram again and uses all kinds of powerful weapons to destroy Vashista and his hermitage. He succeeded in the killings of Vashista's thousand sons but not Vashista himself.An enraged Vashista brings out his brahmadanda, a wooden stick imbued with the power of Brahma.It consumes Vishvamitra's most powerful weapons, including the brahmastra. Vashista then attempts to attack Vishvamitra, but his anger is allayed by Devas.Vishvamitra is left humiliated while Vashista restores his hermitage.[

In both cases though they were called Rishis due to the power of knowledge ,they lacked patience and they worshipped in return of some power or materialistic possessions.Viswamitra lost his patience and concentration and falls prey to Indra's temptations in the form of Menaka and again got back to a life of a grihasta.He took many years to over come his pride and anger and to calm down.Thus his story is the best example to know that Patience is the toughest quality to develop but once you develop success will be yours.

XVII : Poem : Beware of People who blow their own trumpet.

XVII : Poem :

Vinna Suddhi Konta Vinani Suddhulu konni

VintaSuddhu lenno vinaga Jeppu

Danu Ganna Yatte Dhambhikudu eppudu

Viswadha Ahirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :

విన్న శుద్ధి  కొంత వినని సుద్దులు కొన్ని ,
వింత శుద్ధు లెన్నో వినగా జెప్పు 
దాను గన్న ఎత్తే డాం భికుడు ఎప్పుడు ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ  వినురవేమ 

Meaning : A cunning person  captivates an innocent man with his innate skills through his Talkative nature.He indulges into speaking on various topics few heard and few cooked up sweet sayings ,and thus hide  his falsehood but we need to be wise enough to assess the people before falling prey to their cunningness.Don't believe people who blow their own trumpets.

Story : Uttarakumara the son of Virata from Mastya Kingdom.This is the kingdom where Pandavas had stayed in disguise of servants in various capacities to complete their agyatavasa.Kauravas ,after the death of Kichaka the brother-in-law of Virata suspected that Pandavas had hidden in Virata's court so they raised a battle against matsya kingdom.Uttarakumara who was not so strong  and courageous would always blows his trumpet and boasts about his abilities , had declared that he would blow away the whole Kaurava army single handedly and bring the tip of the  crown.He proudly ordered Arjuna in disguise of Brihannala,the dance teacher of Uttara his sister,to be the charioteer in the battle field.Yet the moment he saw the large troops of Kauravas ran away from the battle field.Finally Arjuna had to reveal his original identity and fight the battle with Kauravas.
Till this incident everyone felt that Uttara Kumara was a brave warrior.

XVII : Poem : Let Noble Thoughts be your Life style :


Atma sudhi leni Achara madiyela

Bhandha sudhi leni Paaka mela

Chitta Sudhi leni Siva pooja lelaraa..

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Vesrion :

ఆత్మ శుధ్ధి లేని ఆచార మదియేల ,
భాండశుద్ధి లేని పాక మేల ?
చిట్టా శుధ్ధి లేని శివ పూజ లేలరా ?
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ.

Meaning : Let Noble thoughts be one's lifestyle as right thoughts lead to right actions and right actions will get you success and popularity, as, a devotee can reach the God or Moksha only through complete devotion.A person who observes the traditions and rites without understanding their meaning and value or respecting them is like a person who cooks food without cleaning the vessel because even if delicacies are attractive to eat if it is cooked in an uncleaned vessel it turns out to be poisonous. Similarly, a person without a pious and noble mind despite his courage, bravery and wealth has to pay the brunt for his fickle-mindedness. 
In a nut shell, every person should have a pious mind and clarity of thought for achieving one's goal otherwise it is of no use.

Story :  Ravana the demon king was a great warrior, and devotee of Lord Shiva.He revered his mother so much and with his Tapas he got saikata Linga of Shiva to fulfill his mother's wish.Despite various good qualities, he was defeated by Rama for his one weakness towards women.Despite his devotion to Lord Shiva he adored Goddess Parvathi and also got tempted at the beauty of Goddess Lakshmi and abducted Seeta , thus was defeated and killed by Rama in TretaYuga.This story tells that a devotee should understand the importance of purity of thought,without which even if we worship God it is of no use.

XVI : Poem : Knowledge to be respected

XVI : Poem :

Mataladagalugu Marmamulerigina

Pinna Pedda tanamu lenna valadu

Pinna Cheti Divve Peddaga velugada

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu :
మాటలాడ గలుగు,  మర్మములెరిగిన 
పిన్న పెద్ద తనము లేన్నవలదు 
పిన్న చేతి దివ్వె పెద్దగా వెలుగదా ?
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : One should be respected and honored for his knowledge and wisdom rather than the age in which a torch lights and spreads the same amount of light whether it is in the hand of an old or a young boy. None should be judged

Story : Tenali Ramalinga was called as Vikatakavi".Tenāli Rāmakr̥ṣṇuḍu did not receive any formal education during his childhood, but became a great scholar, due to his thirst for knowledge. As per a well-known tale, the Vaishnava (devotees of Vishnu) scholars rejected to accept him as a disciple, as he was a Śaiva. Rāmakr̥ṣṇa was still determined to get educated so he went to many paṇḍits and begged them humbly to accept him as his disciple but they called him names and threw him out. After that day he thought he will never beg anyone for his education. Next day Rāmakr̥ṣṇa went out to secure education but he did not approach any teacher. The village school wall was his teacher! Everyday he would stand by the wall and attentively listen to the lessons taught in the classroom and go back home and recite what he learned to his mother. This became his daily practice. But one unfortunate day Rāmakr̥ṣṇa got caught and was accused of being a thief so he narrated his story to the school teacher. After listening to Rāmakr̥ṣṇa's story the teacher felt proud but he could do nothing about it because of the foolish religious prejudice so he was sent away. Later while roaming aimlessly, he met a sage, who advised him to worship the Goddess Kali. He worshipped and invoked the Goddess with his devotion. Kālī appeared before him and admired his sense of humor and blessed him that one day, he would be acclaimed as a great poet in the court of King Krishnadevaraya of Vijayanagara. The Goddess also gave him the title "Vikaṭakavi", impressed by his wit and humour.
Though he was known for is quick wit and humour due to his background and age everyone underestimated him in the beginning but when he proved his intellect and solved all the queries posed by the learned men all started respecting him.

X V Poem : A wise man has the strong connect between his thought and words .

XV : Poem :
Neetiloni vrata niluvaka yunnatlu 

Pati jagati ledu Saramu Ledu

Mata mata kella marunu Murkhudu 

Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu : 

నీటిలోని వార్త నిలువక యున్నట్లు ,
పాటి జగతి లేదు సారము లేదు 
మాట మాట కెల్లా మారును మూర్ఖుడు 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : The cunning and foolish persons will never adhere to their words and keep changing their versions very often. Their words should not be considered seriously as their words are equivalent to the writings on the water -their words are as short-lived as bubbles.hence one needs to follow and believe the words of wise people . In other words every word /statement that we listen has to be assessed thoroughly before believing it otherwise we will get into trouble.

Story : The best example for the above poem can be taken from our Indian History. Mohammed bin  Tughlak was a popular king of the Mughal dynasty. Though he was popular for a few revenue reforms like introducing coins for transactions, he gained notoriety for his foolish decisions that he always used to take and never used to listen to his ministers. Twice he had decided to shift his Capital as he used to rule from Daulatabad which is now in Maharastra to Delhi thinking that he could have  better control over is kingdom. He foolishly ordered all his subjects (instead of moving his cabinet ministers)to Delhi by road.and after few months and again decided to shift back to Daulatabad from Delhi. In this process, he lost money and human resources.
His Cabinet ministers too were too foolish to to follow his instructions and became instrumental in losing many lives.
We should be wise enough to assess and take a decision instead of blindly following the words of foolish people other we will be in trouble.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

XIV Poem : Don't be dishonest

XIV : Poem 

Parula vittamandu Bhranti maninayatti

Purushudavanilona Punya murthy

Parula vitta mariya papasanchita magu

Viswadha abhirama vinura vema.

Telugu Version :

పరుల విత్తమునందు భ్రాంతి మానినయట్టి 
పురుషుడవనిలోన పుణ్య మూర్తి,
పరుల విత్త మరియ పాపసంచిత మగు ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : We should not be greedy or eye on other's money.A person who earns money through hard work without expecting any easy money is always respected in the society despite the limited wealth he earned. Where as  a person who always eyes on other's money and try to amass wealth deceitfully will be ultimately punished .

Story : Once upon a time there was a merchant who was very kind.He used to respect everyone alike.He invited all the villagers for his daughter's wedding. The whole of village attended the wedding. Everyone was relishing the delicious feast.One among the guests ,turned greedy of food around and started filling his bag with all the sweets and savories served to him by asking for more.Once his bag was full he went to wash his hands so that he can  leave this place.He kept his bag full of sweets collected greedily ,near a tap to wash his hands.And by the time he returned he was aghast to see one young man was filling the bag with water.Furiously,he shouted at the young boy for filling water in the bag of sweets.The young man who was quite observant of this man's greedy nature said that "Oh I though for three to four sweets that we eat ,we drink so much of water and all the sweets that you have stolen need at least a pot full of water to get digested ,hence I am pouring it"! The man who was sly in collecting extra sweets to sell them out and make money felt ashamed of being noticed by all the other villagers who attended the wedding.Neither he got the sweets nor the respect.Hence we should be honest and behave for ourselves.

XIII Poem : All that glitters is not Gold : Appearances are deceptive

XII.Poem :

Medi pandu chuda malimai undu
Potta vichi chuda Purugu lundu
Beruku vani madini Binkamelagura
Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema

Telugu Version :
మేడి పండు చూడ మేలిమై నుండు ,
పొట్ట విప్పి చూడ పురుగు లుండు. 
బెరుకు వాణి మదిని బింకమేలాగురా ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినుర వేమా. 

Meaning : A   Fig may appear to be quite fresh and good from outside but it may be filled with lot of worms or pests which can't be eaten by anyone. Like wise a coward may pretend himself to be a brave man yet he would be inwardly fearful. Thus can never achieve his goal.

Story : "Dhrutarastra Kaugilinta ": Is an expression to explain the cunning and sly nature of people who outwardly look good and kind.

Dhritarastra the father of Kauravas and the king of Hastinapura was always jealous of his brother Pandu for getting the throne and kinship ,depriving him of the same .The kinship was not bequeathed to him due to his blindness .Instead of accepting the fact that it is a system to handover the power to the healthy heir he developed a jealous towards his brother Pandu.After his death Dritarastra started ruling the kingdom with the assistance of Vidura yet he knew that the kinship had to be handed over to Yudhistar his brother's son and not to Duryodhana his own son.Hence he was always biased towards Pandavas . He was so possessed about his son Duryodhana that he was blind to all the mischief done by Duryodhana.

After the Mahabharat war was over, the Pandavas went to Dhritarashtra to seek his blessings before the coronation of Yudistra as king of Hastinapur. All the Pandavas, one after another went to Dhritarashtra to seek his blessings.

When the turn of Bhima came, knowing fully well about the revenge and vengeance of Dhritarashtra and how he can execute his vengeance through a hug, Lord Krishna wilfully presented a statue of Bhima. Without knowing the above, Dhritarashtra crushed the statue of Bhima through his hug and exposed his true, revengeful character than fatherly love.

XII. Poem Be humble !!

 XII.Poem :

           Vidya Kaligi Yundi Vinayamu lekunna

           Naiduvalaku Melimainamanula
           Sommulundi kantha sutramulu lenattu
           Viswadha abhirama Vinura vema.

Telugu Version :
విద్య కలిగి ఉంది వినయము లేకున్నను ,
నైదువేలకు మేలిమైనమణుల ,
సొమ్ములుండి కాంత సూత్రములు లేనట్టు ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

          Meaning : 
The most essential quality of an educated person that discriminates him from an uneducated person is humility and Obedience which is required   for all the human beings . Education to be embedded with humility and obedience ,otherwise they can never get success.Its like a married woman having abundance of wealth with ornaments yet not wearing the sacred chain namely mangalasutra .

Story : Usually people become proud once they achieve success .Success makes someone forget their roots and makes them arrogant.
This story is about Kalidasa the great poet who was taught a lesson due to his pride and lack of humility.

Once Kalidas has decided to go to a far off place on an errand as those days the means of transport was not so popular most of the people used to walk from one place to another. Hence kalaidasa was also walking to reach his destination. On his way to his destination he came across a small village and as it was mid -day and as he was feeling thirsty stopped near a hut where he found a 14 year old girl carrying a pot of water. Kalidasa called that girl and asked for some water.Then the girl replied that she can’t give as she doesn’t know who he is ? She asked him who are you please tell me so that I can give you water.Kalidasa was so upset that she asked for his identity hence replied arrogantly.. Don’t you know I am a great Scholar people respect me so much for my abundance of knowledge.

The girl smiled and said I don’t know you any way give me answer for my question so that I can give you water and having said this she posed a question “what are the most Powerful things in the world? Kalidas could not reply ,then she said that they are Hunger &Thirst “

Since you did not give me the answer I can’t give you water and she started moving. As Kalidasa was so thirsty he again asked her to give some water. Then again she said that you need to introduce yourself then only I can give you water, then he said that I am a traveller “please give me some water ‘ She smilingly said again you are telling a lie a true traveller never gets tired do you know who are the true travellers in this creation? Kalidasa was shocked as he did not know the answer. She said the true travellers are the Sun & the Moon. Kaldasa was almost on the verge of fainting he further requested her for water, she further asked him to introduce him properly. This time he said I am a Guest please give me some water”, thinking his answer would fetch him the water this time.She again smiled and said no you are again telling lies as there are only two guests in the creation One is money and another is Youth. We don’t know when they come & go, they are so temporary”. By then Kalidasa lost his patience but having no choice he still pleaded her for water when asked he added that “I am the most Enduring man with patience “ but in vain she added that there are just two things which have lot of patience one is Earth/Prudhvi another one the Tree so you are neither of them ,still you are unable to introduce yourself to me and still expect me to give  water …sorry I can’t give .As she was about to leave he pleadingly said that Ok I agree I am the most foolish person in this world please give me some water, she smilingly said that no there two foolish people in this kingdom one is the king himself without having any knowledge & proper qualities he is ruling  &there is one scholarly man who got all the knowledge but his focus is only on impressing the king and disrespect others.” The moment he heard Kalidasa understood that she is speaking about him and he realized she is none other than Goddess Saraswathi because of whom ge became a scholar .He bowed his head and apologized her for his foolishness and pride. Then Goddess saraswati said one should become humbler and humbler as his knowledge grows but should not become proud. Thus Kalidasa learnt a lesson.


XI.Poem: Education is essential for all !

 XI.Poem : 
                    Chaduvu chadavakunna Soukhyambulunu levu
                     Chaduvu Jadivineni Sarasudagunu.
                    Chaduvu Marma merigi Chaduvanga Judumu
                    Viswadha abhi rama Vinura vema.
Telugu Version :
చదువు చదవకున్నను సౌఖ్యంబులును లేవు,
చదువు జ దివినేని  సరసుడగును. 
చదువు మర్మ మెరిగి చదువంగ జూడుము ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా. 

Meaning      :One can get success and lead comfortable life only by studying well .Only Education can dispel ignorance from one's mind and makes one happy and successful. But while learning one has to understand every subject .If learning is too superficial one can't achieve his or her goal successfully. Hence one should understand need of education to lead a comfortable life .Many uneducated people will neither be respected nor enjoy comfortable life.

Story : The best example of this poem can be found in Kalidasa's life.Kalidasa who was one of the poet laureate of King Vikramaditya and the most famous of Navaratnas was an innocent person and a moron who wasn't educated at all. There is a story about how he became the Maha Kavi Kalidas :
Vidyottama a Princess near Ujjain was known for her knowledge and wisdom and declared a Swayamvara that who ever defeats her in an examination would be her husband. She defeated all the Pandits of Vikramidtya court and stood victorious.All the ashamed Pandits wanted to take revenge against her and deceitfully presented Kalidasa as the most intellectual person in their kingdom and get her married to her.She got yo know about is ignorance on the first day of her marriage when she asked Kalidasa a question "Asthi Kaschit Vag Visesha" (Do you have any Speciality in your language)for which Kalidas stammered and couldn't answer.She felt too dejected for her fate, but couldn't help but to accept him as her husband.Kalidasa just to impress his wife and also to make her proud of his knowledge and wisdom left home and went to Mahakali temple .He prayed to Kali mata wo bestowed him with abundance of Knowledge and communication skills.Thus he turned to be a great poet and wrote"Kumarasambhavam' Megha sandesham" and Raghuvamsham" the three master pieces of literature which we still read and revere.
So only Education brings name ,fame and wealth.

Monday, July 20, 2020

X Poem : Practice makes a man Perfect !

X. Poem : 
Anagananaga raga matisayyaluchunundu
Tinaga Tinaga vemu Tiyya nundu
Sadhanamuna Panulu sama kuru dharalona
 Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
అనగ ననగ రాగ మతి సయ్యలుచునుండు ,
తినగా తినగా వేము తియ్య నుండు ,
సాధనమున పనులు సమకూరు ధరలోన ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ. 

Meaning : Any ability can be bettered and turned into a skill through continuous practice.As a person who wants to sing well has to keep singing continuously to improve his singing skill .The neem leaf that is bitter tastes good when eaten constantly as its going to improve one's health.Nobody can achieve success without constant practice.

Story : Eka lavya was born in a hunter clan.He grew up as a staunch lover of archery.He wanted to be a great Archer like Arjuna so he wanted to learn archery from Drona Charya the teacher of Pandavas and Kauravas,when he approached him he was denied due to his background as Dronacharya had decided to coach the Princes only not to any other clan.With terrible disappointment he came back to the forest and started practicing all alone in front of the mud idol created by him assuming that his Guru Dronacharya was sitting in front of him and teaching.Day after day with complete focus on his skill he developed the skill of archery and became more skillful than Arjuna but when Drona charya got to know about Ekalavya ,he went to him and demanded his thumb as his Guru Dakshina as he didn't want anyone mpre powerful than Arjuna in Archery.

IX Poem It's not easy to handle Power !

Poem IX . 
Alpa Budhi vani kadhikaramichina 
Dodda vari nella dolagu cheyu
Cheppu tinedi Kukka Cheraku Teeperuguna 
Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
అల్ప బుద్ధి వాని కధికారమిచ్చిన 
దొడ్డ వారినెల్ల దొలఁగు చేయు ,
చెప్పు తినేటి కుక్క చెఱకు తీపెరుగునా ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా.  

Meaning: If an ignorant and inane person gets the power to rule, instead of taking the valuable advice from the wise persons in his court he would terminate them: as a dog who eats the leather footwear wouldn't understand the taste of sugar cane he too would not understands the value of wisdom.

This poem also has many examples in this present political scenario which is known to all but I would like to share a story from Puranas:

Story :Even before the commencement of creation by Brahma the whole universe was surrounded by waters.While Lord Mahavishnu was in Yoga mudra two demons namely Madhu Kaitabhas were born from his ears.They both grew to be very proud of their birth and used to harass and torture Devas and their Pride grew further as they got a boon from Devi for their immortality .With tis pride went to Brahma loka ,cursed Brahma and took away the vedas from him and hid themselves in Patala loka.Brahma prayed to Adisakti to save Vedas and Adi shakti woke up Mahavishnu and told "Now its the time to kill Madhu Kaitabhas',then Mahavishnu went to kill them but due to the boon bestowed to them by Shakti he could not kill them,On te advice of Adi shakti,Vishnu approached Madhu Kaitabhas and said that "I am highly impressed with your bravery and courage so I would like to bestow a boon upon yoy"! Listening to this the proud demons laughed and said that the loser can't give any boons to the winners.hence they asked Vishnu to ask for a boon from him.Immediately Vishnu asked them to get defeated in his hands.Realizing their folly,yet tried to be strategic,they suggested Vishnu to kill them in a place where there is no water. Lord Vishnu expanded himself creating land around him and finally killed them and also saved Vedas and handed over them to BRahma and asked him to start the creation of mankind on Earth.

VIII.Poem : Value the human relations: Don't hurt anyone !

Poem VIII. 

         Inumu Virigeneni Inumaru mummuru

         Kalchi ataka vachu Kammaridu

         Manasu virigeneni mari antanerchuna
         Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :

ఇనుము  విరిగెనేని ఇనుమఱు ముమ్మూరు 
కాల్చి అతక వచ్చు కుమ్మరీడు ,
మనసు విఱిగెనేని మఱి అన్తనేర్చునా ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning : The broken Iron can also be mended and repaired by casting . But, if the heart or mind breaks and any one's feelings gets hurt it creates a scar in the mind permanently and it can't be joined forever.Hence the human beings need to value the relations above all materialistic things.

Though there are infinite examples from the real life situations like how  adults' derogatory remarks create a scar in the minds of the children and kill their confidence for ever still the below given story from Ramayana is explained to make it more meaningful.

Story : Ravana the demon king abducted Seeta and enslaved her in Lanka for almost an year.Hanuman was sent to find out Sita and finally Rama and Lakshmana along with sugriva and his army waged a war against Ravana and freed Seeta from the captivity.Seeta was asked to prove her sanctity by jumping into the Fire and on being emerged Pious seeta went back to Ayodhya .But this deeply hurt the feelings of Seeta. On another occasion as the King "Prajapathi'  Rama heeded the words and opinions of his subjects and abandoned sita.lakshmana was asked to leave the pregnant sita in the forest .Sita reached valmiki's ashram ,sheltered there in disguise of a common lady and given birth to Lava and Kusha.Meanwhile the heartbroken Rama was asked to perform Aswamedha Yaga towards the welfare of his subjects and the horse from Ayodhya was caught by Lava and Kusha and when asked by Lakshmana to leave it,they denied and moved ahead to wage war against Lakshmana not knowing the relationship between them,when Lakshmana was injured Rama himself came to release the horse from the kids and in that process Seeta would enter to stop Lava and Kusha to fight against their father.Rama felt very happy on seeing Seeta after many years along with his kids and planned to taken them back to Ayodhya but Seeta who was deeply hurt by her husband's(Rama"s) decision of abandoning her based on an opinion of his subject pleads her mother Pridhvi(Bhumi) and gets merged in the Pridhvimata,leaving her kids to her husband.
This story tells how one has to be careful in managing the relationships .Rama as a husband didn't pay heed to the feelings of Seeta he acted like a great King as Prajapati yet failed to understand the sensitive feelings of is wife.Many a time we try to impress outsiders but take our close relations for granted .But once the heart is broken it can never be repaired.Hence be careful  in managing the human relationships.Don't hurt anyone.

VI .Poem Avoid finding faults of others

Poem VI. 
    Tappulennuvaru Tandopa tandambulu
     Vurvi Janula Kella Nundu Tappu
     Tappu Lennu varu Tama Tappu lerugaru
    Viswadha  Abhiramarama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
తప్పులెన్నువారు తండోప తండబు లు ,
ఊరి జనులకెల్ల నుండు తప్పు ,
తప్పులెన్నువారు ,తమ తప్పులెరుగరు ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning: The universal fact is to err is human. Each and  every one make mistakes, yet people usually have the habit of finding faults with others as everyone thinks their perspective, their decision, actions, and words are right forgetting the individual differences and criticizing others.It is better we realize that none is perfect and hence avoid pointing out the mistakes of others and criticizing them.

* We get lot many examples of this poem in the current situation Yet I am trying to introduce a story from our Puranas. Let's read this:

Story: Once Yayati who was a king visited Ashrama of Vashista and Viswamitra. Yayati first greeted Vashista and then Viswamira who raged against Viswamitra.On seeing the uncontrollable anger of Viswamitra Yayati pleaded with him to forgive him. But instead of pardoning Yayati Viswamitra went to Lord Rama and ordered him to kill Yayati. Rama was aghast yet couldn't deny the order of his guru, hence deciding to kill Yayati. Yayati on the recommendation of Narada sought refuge from Hanuman. Without knowing the background  Hanuman promised that he would save Yayati.On realizing the reality that his Lord Rama had decided to kill Yayati went quickly to Rama and confided in him, yet Rama was upset about Hanuman's decision of saving Yayati.Hence there was a combat between Hanuman and Rama in which each other started pointing out the mistakes of the other forgetting the strong bond between the both as God and devotee this combat and exchange of negative words led to a war between Hanuman and Rama but Hanuman's strong devotion and staunch belief in Rama made Rama also realize his mistake yet, as to keep up his words he decided to kill Yayati. Finally, the fierce battle came to an end with the intervention of Lord Shiva.At the request of Lord Shiva Rama left Yayati. Thus it proved that when we lose emotional balance we indulge in negative thoughts and start pointing out mistakes of our own people. This attitude of human beings was well explained by Lord Vishnu in the Incarnation of Rama a human king.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

VII Poem : Anger hampers success !!

Kopamunanu Ghanata Konchamai Povunu
Kopamunanu Migula Godagalugu
Kopamadachaneni Korikelu Neederu
Viswadha abirama Vinura Vema
Telugu Version :
కోపమున్నను ఘనత కొంచమై పోవును ,
కోపమున్నను మిగుల గోడగలుగు ,
కోపమడచెనేనిఁ కోరికలు నీడేరు ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning : A Person with impulsive  and highly aggressive nature, would not be appreciated and respected. Despite his intellect and knowledge, one needs to pay the brunt of his anger because his anger pushes him to trouble. Where as a person who can control the anger can achieve success.

Brughu Maharshi :   Once Brughu Maharshi had decided to visit all three Gods Brahma,Vishnu and Maheswara as he wanted to test the Trimurthis.(Brahma ,Vishnu and Maheswara are called Trimurthis)First he entered Satyaloka where Virinch(Brahma) was so engrossed in the Veena recital of Sarawati Devi that he didn't pay heed to the presence of Brughu Maharshi which irritated Brughu and infuriated Maharshi had cursed Brahma saying" Since you didn't respect me you will never be worshipped by any human beings"!(That's the reason there is no temple for Brahma for worshipping)He entered Kailasa with the same anger and became more angry when his presence was n't acknowledged by Lord Shiva as Shiva and Parvati were enthralled in a Shringara Tandava(the dance of the couple)Brugha Scornfully cursed Shiva " You will not be worshipped in your original form by any human being but will be worshipped in the form of linga".Having said this quickly moved to Vaikuntha where Vishnu murthy and Lakshmi Devi were absorbed in romantic mood which enraged Brugha all the more and which made him hit Vishnu on his chest with his legs.Lakshmi was very furious but Lord Vishnu quickly apologized the sage and very softly responded that "Pardon us revered Sage ,Your leg might have pained by hitting me ,let me soothingly press it to reduce your pain"! Having said this Lord Vishnu pressed his third eye which was at the lower part of Brugha's feet.The moment the eye was pressed all his anger,vanity and pride disappeared and he realized the mistake that he had committed by     hitting Vishnu.He pleaded for mercy.
This story tells us that despite one's knowledge and intellect one should be humble and respect everyone.Brugha became very proud of his knowledge and disrespected and cursed Trimurthis hence paid the brunt of his mistakes.

Friday, July 17, 2020

V Poem: Don't get tempted .

V .Poem
Uppu Kappurambu okka Polika nundu
Chhoda Chooda ruchula Jada veru
Purushulandu Punya Purushulu veraya
Viswadha Abirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
ఉప్పు కప్పురంబు నొక్క పోలిక నుండు 
చూడ చూడ రుచుల జాడ వేరు 
పురుషులందు పుణ్య పురుషులు వేరయా ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 
Meaning: Though salt and Pepper look so similar. One can differentiate only by tasting them. Likewise, all People more or less appear the same but a noble person can be identified through his kind actions and sweet conversational skills.

Explanation: We should not judge anything or anyone impulsively because many things look similar in this world just like People who appear to be good outwardly may be cruel. Many people appear to be our friends yet they never hesitate to harm us for their selfish motives. Hence we need to be careful and use our discretion while jumping to a conclusion.
Remember to use your logical skills while estimating the ulterior motives of people around you, so that you wouldn't be fooled or deceived by anyone.

Story: The whole Ramayana depicts the good qualities of a human being. Despite the distractions and temptations of human beings, one can be righteous like Rama. Many people think it's difficult to be honest and righteous as human beings but Lord Rama the incarnation of Maha Vishnu took the avatar as a man in the Kshatriya clan and showed how a man can play various roles in his life by being morally strong. He played the role of a son and abided by the words of his Father's promise to his third wife Kaikayi and accepted exile. Spent a simple life like a sage in the forest leaving all his wealth and riches behind. As a good husband, he tried to get the gift asked by Sita and showed that human beings will have temptations like this "Golden Deer" and the repercussions of getting tempted as Sita was abducted by Ravana due to her temptation towards Golden deer".He gave importance to his subjects' opinions and expelled Sita as a Prajapati-showing the importance of selfless service towards his people.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

IV Poem : You are judged by the company you keep.

IV .Veru Purugu Cheri vrikshamu Cheruch
Chida Purugu Cheri Chettu Cheruchu
Kuthsitundu cheri Gunavantu Cherachura
Viswa dha abirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
వేఱు పురుగు చేరి వృక్షము చేరుచు 
చీడ పురుగు  చేరి చెట్టు చెరుచు 
కుత్సితుండు చేరి గుణవంతు చెరుచురా 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning: The way the Pests &Vermin, destroy the healthy Trees in no time, the deceitful and treacherous person will surely ruin or destroy a righteous person in no time. Hence we need to be in the company of good and worthy people.
Remember you are judged by the company you keep!

Story :  Karna is the spiritual son of the Vedic Deity, Sun God)" and princess Kunti  (queen of the Pandavas), and thus a demigod of Royal birth. But unfortunately abandoned by Kunti with fear of Society as she gave birth to Karna secretly through a boon from Surya. The boon is fulfilled in the form of Karna being born with Kavacha Kundala i.e innate armor. The abandoned Karna was adopted by Nanda and Radha who belong to a lower caste as those days caste system prevailed . Karna was born a strong, intelligent, and gifted child who used to learn everything quickly. As he grew,he  turned out to be a great warrior equivalent to the Royal Youth at Hastinapura. Once the Guru had decided to test the skills of his students in which Karna emerged successful but everyone heckled at him that he lacks the eligibility to participate in this Royal competition as he belonged to Lower caste,when Karna felt dejected his friend Duryodhana  Patronized him and made him the king of Anga kingdom and thus gave equal status among Kings. Karna became a loyal friend of Duryodhana.
Karna has been bestowed with a great quality of "Dana"-Charity! He was known as dana Karna. He was popular for this quality along with his loyal nature and his bravery. Yet he faced defeat in Mahabharata and also on many occasions as he took the side of Duryodhana who was crooked. Though Karna was an honest and loyal person his loyalty toward a crooked king gained notoriety to him.
Hence despite all your positive qualities, you will be branded deceitful and tyrannous due to the company you choose to keep. You need to be in the company of good people.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

III Poem : III Lesson : Quality is important than quantity !!

Gangigovu Palu Garitadinanu Chalu
Kadivadinanemi Kharamu Palu
Bhakti Kalugu kudu Pattedineanu chalu
Viswadhabhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
గంగి గోవు పాలు గరిటడైనను చాలు 
కడివ డైననేమి  ఖరము పాలు 
భక్తి కలుగు కూడు పట్టెడైననుచాలు 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : Quality is more important than quantity.
One spoon of cow milk is worthier than a pot full of Donkey's milk. A small offering of a true devotee is much better than a feast offered by a hypocrite and proud man who wants to display his wealth while offering to God.

Story : Sudama and Krishna were childhood friends. They grew up playing together. Unfortunately, Sudama was not blessed by Goddess  Lakshmi, hence he turned very poor yet he had a lot of kids He was struggling to feed his family.He couldn't afford to wear proper clothes too.As he was always cladded in rags people called him Kuchela.
One day Kuchela's wife asked him to go to his friend Krishna who lives in Dwaraka and seek some help.Though Kuchela never wanted to beg from anyone, forced by the circumstances to go to Dwaraka.Kuchela hesitantly entered the palace of Krishna and was surprised at the cordial invitation from Krishna.Krishna was very kind to him came down from his throne and fondly embraced is friend Kuchela despite his poverty.Kuchela was overwhelmed with joy. Both the childhood friends indulged in a lengthy conversation.Kuchela felt ashamed to seek help from his friend Krishna so he had decided not to ask anything from Krishna. However, Krishna realizing that  Kuchela wanted to leave asked his friend to give him the gift he carried for him.Kuchela seeing the riches around was embarrassed to show the small pouch of rice flakes that he carried to give to his friend Krishna. Hence he softly replied that he couldn't get anything for him.But Krishna smilingly said "I know that you brought something for me " and took out a pouch of rice flakes from Kuchela and ate every flake with love and kindness while relishing it.
Kuchela left Dwaraka empty-handed thinking that his wife would turn sad for not bringing anything from his friend.Yet, his heart was filled with love and reverence for Krishna, and slowly walked back to his village.On reaching his village,he was overwhelmed to see that his hut turned into a palatial building and his family members cladded in beautiful clothes welcomed him. Kuchela realized that his friend Krishna has helped him for life.
So the true worship would pay in full.

II Poem : Sometimes Success lies in Yielding !!

Anuvuganichota Adhikulamanradu
Konchamundutella Koduva kadu
Konda addamandu Konchamai Undada
Viswadhabhirama Vinura vema.

Telugu Version :
అనువు కాని చోట అధికులమనరాదు 
కొంచెముండుటెల్ల కొదువకాదు 
కొండ అద్దమందు కొంచమై ఉండదా 
విశ్వధా భిరామా  వినురవేమ. 

Meaning :  Sometimes Success lies in Yielding.Despite one's wealth, power or intellect one must maintain a low profile during adverse situations.The huge mountain too looks small in a mirror yet it doesn't lose its identity and size.
Ex: Lord Krishna who lifted the Govardhana mountain with his little finger to save his people ran away while being chased by Yamana, the demon King to make him pay the penance.

Story : Kalayamana was a cruel demon who conquered all kingdoms and with vanity and pride proclaimed himself as the king of the whole World. Apart from being proud, he started killing People and torturing everyone. None were happy yet helplessly waiting for God to save them.
Once Narada visited Yamana and heckled at him and Instigated that though he conquered the whole world,he couldn't touch Krishna as Krishna is more powerful than Yamana.On hearing this KalaYamana turned very furious and decided to wage a war against Lord Krishna.Lord Krishna created a new Dwaraka and shifted all his people to that safe place and faced Yamana all alone.When Yamana stood in front of him Krishna started running relentlessly ignoring the hecklings and jibes of Yamana. Finally, Krishna led him to a Cave where Muchikunda the son of Mandhata from the Ikshwaku clan was meditating.Yamana mistook Muchikunda as Krishna and hit him with his leg saying 'You coward! why are you avoiding me and running away from me when you are called as Lord and supremo"Muchikunda opened his eyes and with his powerful eyes he turned KalaYamana into ashes. Lord Krishna pretended to be a coward to teach Yamana a lesson and thus achieved success in dispelling pride and ignorance of Yamana and saving the world from his cruelty.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Poem 1 :Sabari -The Epitome of devotion

Read this poem followed by the meaning of the poem and its relation to the story of Sabari !! 
Poem 1:

Chitta Suddi kaligi chesina punyamu
Konchamainanu adi koduva kadu
Vittanambu marri vrikshamunaku nenta
Viswadabhirama vinura vema.
Telugu version :
చి త్త శుద్ధి  కలిగి చేసిన పుణ్యము 
కొంచమైనను  అది కొదువ కాదు 
విత్తనంబు మఱ్ఱి వృక్షము నకు నెంత ,
విశ్వధ అభిరామ వినుర వేమా . 
Meaning: A small act of kindness embedded with the right intention is sufficient to weigh one's worth as it gives sweet fruits of success. Haven't we seen the size of the tiny seed that spurs out into a huge Banyan tree? 

Rama left Ayodhya along with Seeta and his brother Lakshmana to fulfill the promise of his father Dasaratha. Despite all the hurdles Rama and Seeta led a happy and simple life in the Jungle. One day Sita asked Rama to fetch the beautiful golden deer that she found in the jungle: In fact Maricha a demon provoked by Ravana the demon King came in disguise as the golden Deer tempted sita as an act of revenge for Lakshmana's act of cutting Surpanakha's nose and ears. Sita was fascinated to see such a beautiful Golden deer and coaxed Rama to fetch her the same. Thus to fetch it, Rama went first, forcibly followed by Lakshmana on demand of Sita. While Seeta was alone Ravana came in disguise as a sage and abducted her. The sadness of Rama knew no bounds. Rama and Lakshmana started searching for Seeta. In this process, once they reached the Pampa river where they met an old lady named Sabari who was a staunch devotee of Rama. She was overwhelmed with happiness to see and meet Rama. She wanted to feed Rama with some fruits around her as she's too old and poor to fetch a feast for Rama. She served Rama with small berries tasting them one by one before serving them to him. Her intention is to serve good and tasty fruits to Rama that's it. Despite her poverty and old age she still wanted to showcase her love and respect towards Rama and thus through this act of kindness of serving pre-tasted fruits,she expressed her devotion. Neither she has realized the error of serving the half-bitten fruits to a King /God nor did Rama felt as he understood her intention.
We find another example of simple act of dutiful nature in Ramayana itself . While constructing the bridge across the sea to reach Sri Lanka ,to save Sita ,a small squirrel too contributed by carrying little pebbles on her back to fulfill her duty and showcase her respect towards Rama, and in turn Lord Rama took the squirrel in his palm and softly patted her back thus leaving three finger marks on the squirrels.  Thus her act of kindness fetched beautiful three marks on all the squirrels forever. This is the result of a small act of kindness or duty-mindedness. 

Vemana Satakam and Translations of Telugu Poems embedded with stories


Poetry introduces us to beautiful world of poems and verses.
History introduces us to the variety of cultures and traditions .
Puranas teach us manners and etiquette
Satakam a compilation of 100 poems imparts morals.

Vemana Satakam is a manual for life.Any one who learns and understands the poems of Vemana would certainly be successful as he depicted the truth and experience of life in his poems.This blog is going to reach out readers who love to learn Life skills through  this blog!

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