Monday, July 20, 2020

IX Poem It's not easy to handle Power !

Poem IX . 
Alpa Budhi vani kadhikaramichina 
Dodda vari nella dolagu cheyu
Cheppu tinedi Kukka Cheraku Teeperuguna 
Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
అల్ప బుద్ధి వాని కధికారమిచ్చిన 
దొడ్డ వారినెల్ల దొలఁగు చేయు ,
చెప్పు తినేటి కుక్క చెఱకు తీపెరుగునా ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా.  

Meaning: If an ignorant and inane person gets the power to rule, instead of taking the valuable advice from the wise persons in his court he would terminate them: as a dog who eats the leather footwear wouldn't understand the taste of sugar cane he too would not understands the value of wisdom.

This poem also has many examples in this present political scenario which is known to all but I would like to share a story from Puranas:

Story :Even before the commencement of creation by Brahma the whole universe was surrounded by waters.While Lord Mahavishnu was in Yoga mudra two demons namely Madhu Kaitabhas were born from his ears.They both grew to be very proud of their birth and used to harass and torture Devas and their Pride grew further as they got a boon from Devi for their immortality .With tis pride went to Brahma loka ,cursed Brahma and took away the vedas from him and hid themselves in Patala loka.Brahma prayed to Adisakti to save Vedas and Adi shakti woke up Mahavishnu and told "Now its the time to kill Madhu Kaitabhas',then Mahavishnu went to kill them but due to the boon bestowed to them by Shakti he could not kill them,On te advice of Adi shakti,Vishnu approached Madhu Kaitabhas and said that "I am highly impressed with your bravery and courage so I would like to bestow a boon upon yoy"! Listening to this the proud demons laughed and said that the loser can't give any boons to the winners.hence they asked Vishnu to ask for a boon from him.Immediately Vishnu asked them to get defeated in his hands.Realizing their folly,yet tried to be strategic,they suggested Vishnu to kill them in a place where there is no water. Lord Vishnu expanded himself creating land around him and finally killed them and also saved Vedas and handed over them to BRahma and asked him to start the creation of mankind on Earth.

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