Thursday, July 16, 2020

IV Poem : You are judged by the company you keep.

IV .Veru Purugu Cheri vrikshamu Cheruch
Chida Purugu Cheri Chettu Cheruchu
Kuthsitundu cheri Gunavantu Cherachura
Viswa dha abirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
వేఱు పురుగు చేరి వృక్షము చేరుచు 
చీడ పురుగు  చేరి చెట్టు చెరుచు 
కుత్సితుండు చేరి గుణవంతు చెరుచురా 
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమా 

Meaning: The way the Pests &Vermin, destroy the healthy Trees in no time, the deceitful and treacherous person will surely ruin or destroy a righteous person in no time. Hence we need to be in the company of good and worthy people.
Remember you are judged by the company you keep!

Story :  Karna is the spiritual son of the Vedic Deity, Sun God)" and princess Kunti  (queen of the Pandavas), and thus a demigod of Royal birth. But unfortunately abandoned by Kunti with fear of Society as she gave birth to Karna secretly through a boon from Surya. The boon is fulfilled in the form of Karna being born with Kavacha Kundala i.e innate armor. The abandoned Karna was adopted by Nanda and Radha who belong to a lower caste as those days caste system prevailed . Karna was born a strong, intelligent, and gifted child who used to learn everything quickly. As he grew,he  turned out to be a great warrior equivalent to the Royal Youth at Hastinapura. Once the Guru had decided to test the skills of his students in which Karna emerged successful but everyone heckled at him that he lacks the eligibility to participate in this Royal competition as he belonged to Lower caste,when Karna felt dejected his friend Duryodhana  Patronized him and made him the king of Anga kingdom and thus gave equal status among Kings. Karna became a loyal friend of Duryodhana.
Karna has been bestowed with a great quality of "Dana"-Charity! He was known as dana Karna. He was popular for this quality along with his loyal nature and his bravery. Yet he faced defeat in Mahabharata and also on many occasions as he took the side of Duryodhana who was crooked. Though Karna was an honest and loyal person his loyalty toward a crooked king gained notoriety to him.
Hence despite all your positive qualities, you will be branded deceitful and tyrannous due to the company you choose to keep. You need to be in the company of good people.

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