Tuesday, July 28, 2020

XXII: Poem : Quality & strength not the size is Important !!

 XXII :Poem

Lavana menta dani Labhambu gana nenta 

Koddi Danuchu nenna Goodanayya

Bhogimetiki Nupayogambe lekkagu

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :

లవణమెంత దాని లాభంబు గాన నెంత ,

కొద్దీ దంచు నిన్న గుడనేయ్య ,

భోగిమేటికి నుపయోగంబె లెక్కగు 

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ 

Meaning : This poem explains the importance of utility and purpose of anyone's existence in life. usually, people are judged by appearances rather than their qualities. Take the example of Salt: The size of each salt granule is so tiny but it adds flavor to our food and food without salt is tasteless. Likewise, the poet is advising us not to judge anyone or anything by seeing outward appearances but to be careful in jumping to conclusions in underestimating the power of trustworthy people.

Story : Once there lived a King who had three beautiful daughters.Once the king called his daughters to find out how much they value him. The Eldest Princess said," Your Highness,I value you as this kingdom"You are so important to me".Kind felt very elated on listening to it. The second Princess was summoned when she answered that she values the King more than the Gold and riches of the kingdom" which made king all the more delighted. Then he summoned the third daughter and asked the same question "How much do you value me in your life" The third Princess humbly said "Your Highness I value you as the salt in my life " On hearing this answer the King was aghast and turned furious and felt insulted for being compared to or valued as salt which is so small. So he ordered his soldiers to expel his third daughter from the kingdom. The sad princess left the kingdom all alone leaving all the wealth and comforts behind.

After a few months, the king went out in the forest for hunting and he was terribly tired and also lost his way in the forest and was separated from his soldiers and started wandering the forest. Suddenly he found a small hut. As he was too tired and thirsty wanted to borrow some water from there and entered the hut. He was aghast to see his third daughter in that hut. Princess too felt quite happy to see her father. Firstly she offered him some water and then served him food. The moment the King tasted the food he grew furious once again for serving tasteless food without salt.On hearing her father's infuriated words the Princess explained " Your Highness! Now did you understand the utility and importance of salt in the food? and in our lives " I meant the same! As food without salt can't be tasteful my life without you is also tasteless"!I value you as salt because I consider salt to be the most valuable thing in our lives".On listening to the words of his third daughter King had realized his mistake and apologized to her and took her back to the kingdom along with him and loved her and respected her throughout his life and considered her to be the most precious jewel in his life.

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