Thursday, July 23, 2020

XVII : Poem : Let Noble Thoughts be your Life style :


Atma sudhi leni Achara madiyela

Bhandha sudhi leni Paaka mela

Chitta Sudhi leni Siva pooja lelaraa..

Viswadha Abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Vesrion :

ఆత్మ శుధ్ధి లేని ఆచార మదియేల ,
భాండశుద్ధి లేని పాక మేల ?
చిట్టా శుధ్ధి లేని శివ పూజ లేలరా ?
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ.

Meaning : Let Noble thoughts be one's lifestyle as right thoughts lead to right actions and right actions will get you success and popularity, as, a devotee can reach the God or Moksha only through complete devotion.A person who observes the traditions and rites without understanding their meaning and value or respecting them is like a person who cooks food without cleaning the vessel because even if delicacies are attractive to eat if it is cooked in an uncleaned vessel it turns out to be poisonous. Similarly, a person without a pious and noble mind despite his courage, bravery and wealth has to pay the brunt for his fickle-mindedness. 
In a nut shell, every person should have a pious mind and clarity of thought for achieving one's goal otherwise it is of no use.

Story :  Ravana the demon king was a great warrior, and devotee of Lord Shiva.He revered his mother so much and with his Tapas he got saikata Linga of Shiva to fulfill his mother's wish.Despite various good qualities, he was defeated by Rama for his one weakness towards women.Despite his devotion to Lord Shiva he adored Goddess Parvathi and also got tempted at the beauty of Goddess Lakshmi and abducted Seeta , thus was defeated and killed by Rama in TretaYuga.This story tells that a devotee should understand the importance of purity of thought,without which even if we worship God it is of no use.

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