Monday, July 20, 2020

X Poem : Practice makes a man Perfect !

X. Poem : 
Anagananaga raga matisayyaluchunundu
Tinaga Tinaga vemu Tiyya nundu
Sadhanamuna Panulu sama kuru dharalona
 Viswadha abhirama Vinura Vema.

Telugu Version :
అనగ ననగ రాగ మతి సయ్యలుచునుండు ,
తినగా తినగా వేము తియ్య నుండు ,
సాధనమున పనులు సమకూరు ధరలోన ,
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ. 

Meaning : Any ability can be bettered and turned into a skill through continuous practice.As a person who wants to sing well has to keep singing continuously to improve his singing skill .The neem leaf that is bitter tastes good when eaten constantly as its going to improve one's health.Nobody can achieve success without constant practice.

Story : Eka lavya was born in a hunter clan.He grew up as a staunch lover of archery.He wanted to be a great Archer like Arjuna so he wanted to learn archery from Drona Charya the teacher of Pandavas and Kauravas,when he approached him he was denied due to his background as Dronacharya had decided to coach the Princes only not to any other clan.With terrible disappointment he came back to the forest and started practicing all alone in front of the mud idol created by him assuming that his Guru Dronacharya was sitting in front of him and teaching.Day after day with complete focus on his skill he developed the skill of archery and became more skillful than Arjuna but when Drona charya got to know about Ekalavya ,he went to him and demanded his thumb as his Guru Dakshina as he didn't want anyone mpre powerful than Arjuna in Archery.

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